Progetto di Eccellenza Fondazione Cariparo 2017


Siamo felici di comunicarvi che il progetto “Value for money” in public procurement for medical technology and devices sviluppato dalla prof.ssa Paola Valbonesi in collaborazione con i colleghi Camboni, Chillemi, Galavotti, Nicolo' e Rebba, si è aggiudicato, nell'area Scienze Umane e Sociali, un finanziamento di 92.000 euro per il Progetto di Eccellenza della Fondazione Cariparo 2017, promossa dalla Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo.


One precise goal of Europa2020 is the promotion of public health, a goal linked to the acquisition of innovation as a "driver" of the pursued challenge. In a period of tight public finances, public health spending represents a major item for the accounts of many European countries (in the EU, 77.7% of health costs are financed by the states, OECD 2014); and the general phenomenon of the aging of the European population is a part of this spending. A substantial part of this expenditure - about 7% in 2012, with increasing trends - relates to the acquisition of medical technology and devices (MTDs) to support healthcare delivery.

These MTDs have important both direct and indirect effects. On the one hand, the expenditure for MTDs’  directly affects public budget and their quality can directly determine the value of services rendered (and costs for related treatments), the health of the treated citizens and the quality of life of those who care for them. And, on the other hand, MTDs also - indirectly - affect the times / mode of work of those who work in this important sector, and the market of innovations that - in the form of "spillover" - can be further stimulated and produced.

The aim of this project is to study the best possible procurement mechanisms for the efficient acquisition - "value for money" - of such MTDs. In particular, we propose to analyze the "Scoring Rule Auctions" (SRAs) and the “Auction with Invited only bidders” (AIOB). In the aim to promote quality in the purchasing by the public buyer, both these mechanisms have received recently strong stimulus in application by the new Code of Contracts in Italy. By contrast, they have been poorly investigated in the economic literature. In the aim to close the gap, we will focus on these mechanisms, with (i) important internal and external expertise of the research team, (ii) innovative empirical and theoretical analysis methods; and by exploiting (iii) a new and original database provided by the Veneto Region. Our results will be addressed to make 1) an original contribution to the auctions and awarding mechanisms’ literature (with publications in international top journals); 2) an applied contribution to the design and use of optimal mechanisms for public spending that bring "value for money" in the healthcare sector. (1933 characters)

Principal Investigator: Paola Valbonesi (Associate Professor, DSEA-UNIPD, 60% working time)

Internal Researchers DSEA-UNIPD: Antonio Nicolo’ (Full Professor, 20% working time); Ottorino Chillemi (Full Professor, 10% working time); Vincenzo Rebba (Full Professor, 10% working time); Stefano Galavotti (Researcher, 40% working time); Riccardo Camboni (Post-Doct, 80% working time).


La Fondazione promuove il bando Progetti di Eccellenza 2017 con l’obiettivo di stimolare l’attività scientifica di eccellenza degli enti di ricerca con sede nel territorio delle province di Padova e Rovigo, attraverso il sostegno a progetti di ricerca innovativi che abbiano una ricaduta positiva in termini sia di sviluppo economico che di utilità sociale.

Per la realizzazione del bando, la Fondazione mette a disposizione un plafond complessivo pari a 4.075.900 di euro.

I progetti di ricerca presentati dovranno rientrare in una delle seguenti aree tematiche:

  • Area 1 – Scienze Naturali e Ingegneria
  • Area 2 – Scienze della Vita
  • Area 3 – Scienze Umane e Sociali