
Emilio Passetti

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA DEL SANTO, 33 - PADOVA . . .

E-mail: emilio.passetti@unipd.it

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Pubblicazioni principali

- Passetti, E., Battaglia, M., Bianchi, L. and Annesi, N. (2021), Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: the technical, moral and facilitating role of management control, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 34 No. 6, pp. 1430-1444.
- Passetti, E., & Rinaldi, L. (2020). Micro-processes of justification and critique in a water sustainability controversy: examining the establishment of moral legitimacy through accounting. The British Accounting Review, 100907.
- Passetti, E., Bianchi, L., Battaglia, M., & Frey, M. (2019). When Democratic Principles are not Enough: Tensions and Temporalities of Dialogic Stakeholder Engagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(1), 173-190.
- Passetti, E., Cinquini, L., & Tenucci, A. (2018). Implementing internal environmental management and voluntary environmental disclosure: Does organisational change happen. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 31(4), 1145-1173.
- Battaglia, M., Passetti, E., Bianchi, L., & Frey, M. (2016). Managing for integration: a longitudinal analysis of management control for sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 136, 213-225.
- Passetti, E., Tenucci, A. (2016). Eco-efficiency measurement and the influence of organisational factors: evidence from large Italian companies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 122, May, pp. 228-239.
- Testa, F., Gusmerottia, N. M., Corsini, F., Passetti, E., & Iraldo, F. (2016). Factors affecting environmental management by small and micro firms: The importance of entrepreneurs’ attitudes and environmental investment. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 23(6), 373-385.
- Battaglia, M., Passetti, E., e Frey, M. (2015). Occupational health and safety management in municipal waste companies: A note on the Italian sector. Safety Science, 72, 55-65.
- Battaglia, M., Frey, M., e Passetti, E. (2014). Accidents at work and costs analysis: A field study in a large Italian company. Industrial Health, 52, 354-356
- Passetti, E., Cinquini, L., Marelli, A., & Tenucci, A. (2014). Sustainability accounting in action: Lights and shadows in the Italian context. The British Accounting Review, 46, 295-30.
- Cinquini, L., Passetti, E., Tenucci, A., e Frey, M. (2012). Analyzing intellectual capital information in sustainability reports: Some empirical evidence. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 13, 531-561.

Funzionamento ed efficacia del controllo di gestione e dei suoi strumenti, integrazione delle tematiche di sostenibilità nei meccanismi di controllo di gestione.