
Antonio Nicolo'

Professore ordinario


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E-mail: antonio.nicolo@unipd.it

  • Il Martedi' dalle 14:00 alle 16:00

Antonio Nicolò è professore di Economia politica presso l'Università degli Studi di Padova. Ha anche un'affiliazione presso la School of Social Sciences dell'University of Manchester dove è stato full time professor of Economic Theory nel triennio 2013-2015.
Si è laureato in Economia Politica presso l'Università Bocconi di Milano e ha ottenuto il PhD in economics presso l'Unviersitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Ha ricoperto posizioni di visiting scholar presso varie prestigiose università come lo European University Institute (Fernand Braudel fellowship, maggio-giugno 2013) il department of Economics at the University of Chicago and the Becker-Friedman Institute (aprile-giugno 2012), il dipartimento di economia della Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (dicembre 2011- febbraio 2012) e il Collegio Carlo Alberto a Torino (ottobre - novembre 2011). E' attualmente vice presidente della Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (presidente eletto nel biennio 2019-2020). E' editore della rivista The Manchester School, corresponding editor di Theory and Decision, e membro dell'Editorial Board della rivista Mathematical Social Sciences.

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1. Information and targeted spending (with J.X.Eguia) forthcoming, Theoretical Economics.
2. Back Scratching in Hierarchical Organizations (with N. Montinari and V. Maggian), The Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, 34, 2, 133–161, 2018.
3. Equilibrium Selection in Sequential Games with Imperfect Information (with J. Eguia, A. Llorente-Saguer and R. Morton), Games and Economic Behavior, 109, 465-483, 2018.
4. Corruption, intrinsic motivation, and the love of praise (with A. Dhillon and F. Xu), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19 (6), 1077–1098, 2017.
5. Divide and compromise (with R. Velez), Mathematical Social Sciences, special issue in honour of Prof. Hervé Moulin. vol. 90, 100-110, 2017.
6. Age-Based Preferences in Paired Kidney Exchange (with. C. Rodriguez-Alvarez), Games and Economic Behavior, 102, 508–524, 2017.
7. The Gift of Being Chosen (with N. Montinari and R. Oexel), Experimental Economics, 19, 2, 460–479, 2016.
8. On Cost Sharing in the Provision of a Binary and Excludable Public Good (with J. Massò, A. Sen, T. Sharma , L. Ülkü). Journal of Economic Theory, 155, 30–49, 2015.
9. Elections and Deceptions: An Experimental Study on the Behavioral Effects of Democracy (with L- Corazzini, S. Kube and M. Marechal) American Journal of Political Science, 58, 3, 579–592, 2014.
10. Incentive Compatibility and Feasibility Constraints in Housing Markets (with C. Rodríguez Álvarez ), Social Choice and Welfare, 41, 625-35, 2013.
11. Transplant Quality and Patients’ Preferences in Paired Kidney Exchange (with C. Rodríguez Álvarez ), Games and Economic Behavior, 72, 299-310, 2012.
12. Equal Opportunity Equivalence in Land Division (with P. Roberti and A. Perea), SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association – special issue in honor of Prof. Salvador Barberà, 3, 133-142, 2012.
13. Ex-ante licensing in sequential innovations (with F. Manenti e S. Comino), Games and Economic Behavior, 73, 2, 388-401, 2011.
14. Termination Clauses in Partnerships (with P. Tedeschi and S. Comino), European Economic Review, vol. 54 (5), 718-732, 2010.
15. Egalitarian Equivalent Allocations over a Single Good (with Marco LiCalzi), Economic Theory, 40, 1, 27-45, 2009.
16. No-envy and efficient minimal rights: recursive no-envy (with D. Dominguez) The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, vol. 9 : Iss. 1 (Topics), Article 6, 2009.
17. Efficient and Stable Collective Choices under Gregarious Preferences (with Jordi Massò), Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 64, 591-611, 2008.
18. Strategic Divide and Choose (with Yan Yu), Games and Economic Behavior, 64, 268-289, 2008.
19. Credit Derivatives, Capital Requirements and Opaque OTC Markets (with Loriana Pelizzon), Journal of Financial Intermediation, 17, 444-463, 2008. Best Paper Published in JFI, 2008.
20. Monotonicity and Equal-Opportunity Equivalence in Bargaining (with Andres Perea), Mathematical Social Sciences, 49, 221-243, 2005.
21. Stable assignment of public facilities under congestion, (with Anna Bogomolnaia), Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 7, 63-95, 2005.
22. The Strategy-Proof Provision of Public Goods under Congestion and Crowding Preferences (with Matthew O. Jackson), Journal of Economic Theory, vol.115 (2), 278-308, 2004.
23. Efficiency and Truthfulness with Leontief Preferences. A Note on Two-agent Two-good Economies, Review of Economic Design, vol.8 (4), 373-382, 2004.

Chapters in Books

1. On the distribution of particularistic goods, in eds. Caballero and N. Schofield,

Si è occupato di teoria delle scelte collettive, in particolare nel disegno di meccanismi di fornitura di beni e servizi pubblici. Più recentemente ha lavorato su problemi di matching theory con applicazioni a meccanismi per migliorare l'efficienza dei protocolli di assegnazioni di organi ai pazienti in attesa di trapianto. I lavori correnti studiano fenomeni sociali come l'insorgenza di fenomeni come l'estremismo politico o la presenza di discriminazione di genere nei mercati del lavoro.