
Andrea Furlan

Professore ordinario


Indirizzo: VIA DEL SANTO, 33 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498274235

E-mail: andrea.furlan@unipd.it

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Andrea Furlan is Full Professor of Management at the University of Padova, Italy, Department of Economics and Management. He graduated in business economics at the University of Padova where he completed his Ph.D. in Economics and Management with a doctoral dissertation on supply chain management.

He is director of the Graduate program in Business Administration of the Department of Economics and Management (University of Padova)and director of the Lean Center of CUOA Business School

He teaches operations management and strategic management at undergraduate, graduate, and ph.d. level at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova,

His main research interests focus on behavioral operations, operational excellence and lean management.

His research has appeared in several peer reviewed international journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, Operations Management Research, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, Human Systems Management, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, and the IMP Journal.

He held visiting scholar positions at ETH (Chair of Operations Management), Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, M.I.T - Industrial Performance Center and Norwegian School of Management.

He has received several prestigious awards and international recognitions for his research activity:
July 2018. “SIG Strategic Management General Track. Best paper” for the paper “Impacts of industry 4.0 investments on firm performance. Evidence from Italy” (with Bettiol M., Di Maria E., Capestro M.) presented at EUROMA 2018 Conference, Iceland, 19-22 June
July 2012. “The Jose A.D. Machuca P&OM World Conference Best Paper Award” for the paper “The green bullwhip effect: transferring environmental obligation along a supply chain” (with Lee, Klassen and Vinelli) presented at the Production &Operations Management World Conference, Amsterdam;
June, 2008, The Chris Voss Highly Commended Award, for the paper “Effects on Performance of Lean Bundles”, (with Dal Pont G., Vinelli A), presented to EurOMA 15th international conference, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands;
June 2004: The Chris Voss Best Paper Award. Honorable mention, for the paper “Operations and supply chain management as change agents in a mature industry: lessons from the footwear sector”, (with Camuffo A., Romano P., Vinelli A) presented at the EurOMA 11th international conference, INSEAD, Fontainebleau.

- Sorkun M.F., Furlan A., 2017, “Product and Organizational Modularity: a Contingent View of the Mirroring Hypothesis, European Management Review, Vol 14 (2), p. 205-224
- Furlan A., Grandinetti R., 2016, "Spinoffs and their endowments: beyond the Knowledge inheritance theory”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 17(3), pp. 570-589
- Furlan A., 2016, “Who lives longer? Startups vs Spinoffs founded as Proprietorships”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol 22 (3), p. 416-435
- Galeazzo A., Furlan A., Vinelli A., 2014, Understanding Environmental-Operations Integration: The Case of Pollution Prevention Projects, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 153, p. 149-160
- Furlan A., Grandinetti R., Paggiaro A., 2013, Unveiling the Growth Process: Entrepreneurial Growth and the Use of External Resources, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, vol 20 (1), p. 20-41
- Galeazzo A., Furlan A., Vinelli A., 2013, Lean and Green in Action: Interdependencies and Performance of Pollution Prevention Projects, Journal of Cleaner Production, forthcoming, http://dx.doi.org/10.101016/j.clepro.2013.10.015
- Furlan A., Camuffo A., CabigiosuA., 2013, “When the mirror gets misted up: modularity and technological change”, Strategic Management Journal, Forthcoming, doi 10.1002/smj.2138
- Furlan A., Grandinetti R., 2013, “Spin-off performance in the start-up phase: A conceptual framework”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, forthcoming (with R. Grandinetti)
- Furlan A., Dal Pont G., Vinelli A., 2011, “Complementarity and lean manufacturing bundles. An empirical analysis”, International Journal of Production and Operations Management, vol 31 (8), p. 835-850
- Furlan A., Dal Pont G., Vinelli A., 2011, “On the complementarity between internal and external just-in-time bundles to build and sustain high performance manufacturing”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 133 (2), p. 489-495
- Furlan A., Grandinetti R., Camuffo A., 2009, “Business relationship portfolios and subcontractors’ capabilities”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 38, p. 937-945
- Furlan A., Dal Pont G., Vinelli A., 2008, “Interrelationships among lean bundles and their effects on operational performance”, Operations Management Research, Vol 1 No 2, pp. 150-158
- Camuffo A., Furlan A., Rettore E., 2007, “Risk Sharing in Supplier Relations: An Agency Model for the Italian Air Conditioning Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol 28 Issue 12, pp. 1257-1266
- Camuffo A., Furlan A., Romano P., Vinelli A., 2007, “Routes Towards Supplier and Production Network Internationalization”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 27 Issue 4, pp. 371-387
- Furlan A., Grandinetti R., Camuffo A., 2007, ““How do Subcontractors Evolve?”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 27 Issue 1, pp. 69-89
- Camuffo A., Furlan A., Romano P., Vinelli A., 2006, “The Process of Supply Network Internationalization”, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 12 Issue 3, pp. 135-147

• Lean management and continuous improvement
• Systematic problem solving in operational and strategic settings
• Dynamics of organizational routines
• Spinoffs, innovation and organizational inheritance