Follow the money: cryptocurrencies and criminal organizations

Scientific Responsible: ANTONIO PARBONETTI

Project objectives: The research project will analyze the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies and criminal organizations, focusing on both the financial and legal aspects of such a phenomenon. Specifically, the research project will address three different but complementary issues: illegal trafficking, money laundering, and legal instruments to prevent the phenomenon. The research group analyzes three primary areas:

  1. the use of cryptocurrencies;
  2. the application problems of preventive measures;
  3. solutions for the implementation of appropriate organizational key risk indicators to detect and prevent the commission of money laundering crimes.

Grantor: MUR - PRIN 2022 PNRR

Duration: 30/11/2023 - 29/11/2025


  • University of Padova, dSEA
  • University of Palermo

dSEA staff involved:

  • Antonio Parbonetti
  • Michele Fabrizi
  • Marco Ghitti
  • Andrea Bafundi