Strategie per superare il divario retributivo

Scientific Responsible: PAOLO GUBITTA

Project objectives: Analysis of the economic dimension of the Gender Pay Gap based on:

Contractual Framework: The research will identify the differences in contractual classification and roles between genders under similar employment conditions. It will investigate aspects such as the under-classification of female workers, despite performing equivalent work, and the lack of promotion opportunities;

Compensation: Equal pay treatment between men and women, and thus the prohibition of discrimination, exists only concerning the minimum wage established in collective bargaining agreements (CCNL). In fact, a wide margin of employer discretion remains regarding additional components that contribute to total compensation, where the gender pay gap may arise (individual pay supplements, fringe benefits, bonuses, and production incentives significantly affect overall pay and can create hidden salary discrimination);

Hours of Work: The majority of part-time contracts are held by women, which inherently results in lower gross pay compared to their male colleagues.

Definition of intervention proposals to reduce disparities and promote good contractual practices, actions from bilateral agreements or company initiatives that can be shared in other contexts. Production of research reports and dissemination. 

Grantor: Regione Veneto

Duration: 6/8/2023 - 13/12/2024


  • IVL - Istituto Veneto per il Lavoro (coordinator)

dSEA staff involved:

  • Paolo Gubitta