News archive

"Optimal redistributive policies by publicly provided inputs and income taxation"

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Virtual Fair

Virtual stand to promote Overseas exchanges December 17th 2021 Online event All times are Central European Time (C.E.T.)Zoom registration link: click hereAGENDA2:00 – 2:15 pmWelcome & Brief introduction to Ulisse Program and to Erasmus+ for studies beyond Europe Program Prof. Roberto Antonietti,

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12th Conference on Economic Design

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Job Opening: Postdoctoral Position in Public Finance and Macroeconomics

The Department of Economics and Management (DSEA) of the University of Padova invites applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher position in Public Finance and Macroeconomics. The position is for two years and is funded by the STARS Grant 2021 awarded for the project “Generationally Sustainable

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“The Wealth of Nations and the First Wave of COVID-19 Diffusion”

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