News archive

Seminar by Julian Messina
Sala Seminari – I° piano, Palazzo Levi Cases, Via del Santo 33 - ore 15.30
The Expansion of Higher Education in Colombia: Bad Students or Bad Programs?

Seminar by Alessia Campolmi
Sala Seminari – I° piano, Palazzo Levi Cases, Via del Santo 33 - ore 12:30
Trade Policy in Models with Monopolistic Competition (joint with Harald Fadinger (University of Mannheim) and Chiara Forlati (University of Southampton)

Seminar by Juan Manuel Garcia Lara
Palazzo Cà Borin, via del Santo 22
Conditional conservatism and the limits to earnings management
Seminar by Pietro Tedeschi
Palazzo ca' Borin, via del Santo 22 - 12:30
Making Sense of (Ultra) Low Cost Flights Vertical Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets