Level Up Research: Replication in Action

The event, organized by our Department DSEA, in partnership with the Institute of Replication and supported by the UniCredit Foundation, will be held in our Active Learning & Teaching Classroom at Via Bassi 1, in Padua (Italy), on 28-29 April 2025.

Register by 20 March 2025>> here

Organizer: Prof. Alessia Russo


Monday, 28 April
Reproducible Research from Day 1: Best Practices for Publishing in Top Journals

9:00-11:00 am: Ten Simple Rules for Creating a Replication Package
Speaker: Joan Llull (Data Editor, Econometric Society)

This lecture reviews the best practices to create high-quality replication packages in scientific research. Participants will be walked through "Ten Simple Rules" that offer actionable guidance to address common challenges in preparing reproducible replication packages. Topics include computational empathy, data accessibility, documentation, and the critical role of clear, concise instructions. Drawing on insights from data editors with extensive experience reviewing replication packages, the session will highlight best practices for data citation, licensing, and error-proofing to ensure replicability, providing practical tools and strategies to enhance the transparency, accessibility, and impact of their research.

11:00 am-1:00 pm: Navigating Pre-Registration and Reproducibility
Speaker: Christoph Huber (Data Editor, Management Science)

This lecture discusses the challenges in improving the credibility of scientific results, with a focus on pre-registration and reproducibility in management, economics, and finance. We will discuss questionable research practices, current norms in academic publishing, and how to navigate journal requirements. Participants will gain best-practice guidance on pre-registering studies, writing pre-analysis plans, and integrating reproducibility into simple workflows that foster credibility.

1:00-2:00 pm: Lunch Break

2:00-6:00 pm: Replication Games (Part I)
Led by: Derek Mikola (Institute for Replication, I4R)

Replication Games are free, 1-day events which provide faculty, early career researchers, and graduate students, an opportunity to expand their knowledge of good practices in open science while networking with local researchers in a welcoming and fun environment. Teams of “replicators” will be assigned a published paper which they will work on (1) reproducing and (2) performing sensitivity analysis (robustness checks) from the published paper’s online replication folder. Teams of researchers will then write up a report summarizing the reproducibility and replicability of the published paper. Completion of a report gives replicators coauthorship on this year’s Meta Paper. If suitable, replicators will then have the opportunity to interact with the original authors which is mediated by I4R.

7:00 pm: Social Event
Sponsored by I4R

Tuesday, 29 April
Replication Games Continuation of Activities

9:30 am-12:30 pm: Replication Games (Part II)
Teams will finalize their replication projects, with guidance from Derek Mikola and the I4R team.

About the Institute for Replication (I4R)
I4R is dedicated to advancing credible research through mass reproductions and replications. During 2023, I4R hosted 15 events (Replication Games) around the world, coordinated over 700 researchers, and reproduced or replicated 110 papers. Our discussion papers have been published in academic journals such as: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Economic Inquiry, The Economic Journal. I4R anticipates over 1000 researchers, participating in over 25 events in 2024. Our first Meta Paper has now been submitted for publication and can be viewed online.

Further information here