OPen INnovation in public GOvernance for an inclusive society and citizens' Wellbeing

Scientific Responsible: SILVIA RITA SEDITA

Project objectives: The project studies open innovation practices in public administrations and, in particular, the strategic use of pre-commercial procurement, innovation partnership and public crowdsourcing to address citizens’ wellbeing. The project aims to identify for which types of transactions these open practices are superior to traditional ones, and for which socio-economic contexts. To do so, the project will:

  • Map pre-commercial procurement, innovation partnerships and public crowdsourcing initiatives carried out by public administrations and define typologies according to their peculiar characteristics;
  • Analyse a selection of cases, in order to identify the benefits they produced - also in a comparative perspective -, the problems and obstacles;
  • Define a conceptual framework on the benefits of innovation procurement and their evaluation, and outline policy recommendations.

Grantor: MUR – PRIN 2022 PNRR

Duration: 30/11/2023 - 29/11/2025


  • University of Padova, dSEA
  • University of Florence
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche

dSEA staff involved:

  • Silvia Rita Sedita