Padova Macro Talks - 2022 edition

Padova Macro Talks 2022

The 2022 edition of the Padova Macro Talks will gather leading scholars in the field of macroeconomics to generate a discussion on policy-relevant macroeconomics issues. The workshop will feature investigations on the macroeconomic impact of fiscal, monetary, and financial shocks at a domestic and global level. Methodological innovations, as well as applications involving state-of-the-art techniques, will also be part of this exciting program.

Giovanni Caggiano (University of Padova)
Efrem Castelnuovo (University of Padova)
Lorenzo Mori (University of Padova)
Giovanni Pellegrino (Aarhus University)

People interested in attending the event in-person are kindly requested to contact Efrem Castelnuovo by May 19 via email at

If you are interested in attending the meetings online please register here

Full Programme - 26-27 May 2022

Day 1, May 26

9:30-11:30am: Session 1 - Morning

Chair: Giovanni Pellegrino

9:30-10:10am: Fiorella De Fiore (Bank for International Settlements), Big Techs and the Credit Channel of Monetary Policy (with Leonardo Gambacorta and Cristina Manea)

10:10-10:50am: Francesco Furlanetto (Norges Bank), The Macroeconomic Effects of the Gender Revolution (with Drago Bergholt and Luca Fosso).

10:50-11:30am: Marianna Riggi (Bank of Italy), Bargaining Power and the Phillips curve: A Micro-Macro Analysis (with Marco Jacopo Lombardi and Eliana Viviano)

11:30am-12:00pm: Coffee break

12:00-1:00pm: Session 2 - Morning

Chair: Giovanni Pellegrino

Keynote: Vincent Sterk (University College London), Startup Types, Structural Policy and Macroeconomic Performance in Europe (with Ralph de Haas and Neeltje van Horen)

1:00-2:30pm: Lunch break

2:30-3:50pm: Session 3 - Afternoon

Chair: Giovanni Caggiano

2:30-3:10pm: Martin Andreasen (Aarhus University), Sentiment Shocks, Stock Market Mispricing, and the Business Cycle (with Giovanni Pellegrino)

3:10-3:50pm: Anna Rogantini-Picco (Sveriges Riksbank), Who is Afraid of Eurobonds? (with Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi)

3:50-4:20pm: Coffee break

4:20-5:40pm: Session 4 - Afternoon

Chair: Lorenzo Mori

4:30-5:10pm: Salvatore Nisticò (Sapienza University of Rome), The Economics of Helicopter Money (with Pierpaolo Benigno)

5:10-5:50pm: Giovanni Ricco (University of Warwick and OFCE-SciencesPo), The Global Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy (with Riccardo Degasperi and Seokki Simon Hong)


Dinner 7:30pm


Day 2, May 27

9:30-11:30am: Session 5 - Morning

Chair: Nicolas Groshenny

9:30-10:10am: Kenza Benhima (University of Lausanne), Foreign Currency Debt and Expectations (with Isabella Blengini and Ouarda Merrouche)

10:10-10:50am: Daniele Siena (Politecnico di Milano and Banque de France), Job Polarization, Labor Market Fluidity and the Flattening of the Phillips Curve (with Riccardo Zago)

10:50-11:30am: Federica Romei (University of Oxford), Monetary Policy During Unbalanced Global Recoveries (with Luca Fornaro)

11:30am-12:00pm: Coffee break

12:00-1:00pm: Session 6 - Morning

Chair: Giovanni Caggiano

Keynote: Hilde C. Bjornland (BI Norwegian Business School, CAMP, and Norges Bank), Oil and the Stock Market Revisited: A Functional VAR Approach (with Yoosoon Chang and Jamie L. Cross)

1:00-2:30pm: Lunch break

2:30-3:50pm: Session 7 - Afternoon

Chair: Efrem Castelnuovo

2:30-3:10pm: Haroon Mumtaz (Queen Mary University of London), The Macroeconomic Cost of Climate Volatility (with Piergiorgio Alessandri)

3:10-3:50pm: Giovanni Pellegrino (Aarhus University), Why Does Risk Matter More in Recessions than in Expansions? (with Martin Andreasen, Giovanni Caggiano, and Efrem Castelnuovo)

3:50-4:20pm: Coffee break

4:20-5:20pm: Session 8 - Afternoon

Chair: Efrem Castelnuovo

Keynote: Florin Bilbiie (University of Cambridge and University of Lausanne), Inequality and Business Cycles (with Giorgio Primiceri and Andrea Tambalotti)

End of the workshop