The Political Economy of Reforms and the Costs of Populism
Scientific Responsible: ANTONIO NICOLO'
Project objectives: we live in a time characterized by many calls for reform, due to global challenges related to health and climate, as well as social and political challenges for democracies. Political economy should be useful both for the general task of evaluating reforms, their feasibility and desirability, and for the purpose of making democracies robust and stable. Populism comes into play because (1) it represents a challenge to the stability of democracies and (2) it can influence both the feasibility and desirability of reforms. In our collaborative project, we aim to conduct both positive and normative assessments of a range of reforms or types of reforms that could be relevant for Western societies in the future, paying particular attention to the contemporary challenges posed by populism.
Grantor: MUR - PRIN
Duration: 28/9/2023 - 27/9/2025
- University of Padova, dSEA
- Bocconi University of Milan
- University Tor Vergata of Rome
dSEA staff involved:
- Antonio Nicolò
- Orestis Troumpounis
- Roberto Bonfatti
- Fernandes Marli