
Salvatore Perdichizzi

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA DEL SANTO, 33 - PADOVA . . .

E-mail: salvatore.perdichizzi@unipd.it

Salvatore Perdichizzi is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Padua. His research interests cover monetary policy and empirical banking, with a focus on the effectiveness of unconventional and conventional monetary policies on economic development, financial markets and banking stability, green and sustainable finance, bank lending conditions, bank risk-shifting through dividend and share-repurchase, bank performance, credit and sovereign debt dynamics. He has published in leading international journals, such as the Journal of Banking & Finance, Economics Letters, British Accounting Review, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Review of Financial Analysis, Energy Economics, and Finance Research Letters. He holds a PhD in Economics (DEFAP) from the University of Milan - Bicocca and the Catholic University of Sacred Heart - Milan. He is a Research Associate and member of the Steree Committee at the Yunus Social Business Centre of Bologna. He also served as a Research fellow at Stanford University (USA), the University of Exeter Business School (England), and the Catholic University of Sacred Heart - Milan. He was a consultant for Prometeia.

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1. Investor behavior around targeted liquidity announcements, with Cardillo, Giovanni; Onali, Enrico. British Accounting Review. 2024 - ABS 3 – ANVUR A.
2. Carbon emission and firms' value: Evidence from Europe, with Buchetti Bruno; Cicchiello, Antonella Francesca; Dal Maso. Energy Economics. 2024 - ABS 3 – ANVUR A.
3. Competition and supervisory enforcement actions in the banking industry, with Cardillo, Giovanni; Cotugno, Matteo; Torluccio, Giuseppe. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2024 - ABS 3 – ANVUR A.
4. Ready for a Digital Euro? Insights from a research agenda, with Cotugno, Matteo; Manta, Francesco; Stefanelli, Valeria. Research in international business and finance. 2024 - ABS 2 – ANVUR A.
5. Don't Go on Holiday in August! Market Reaction to an Unexpected Windfall Tax on Banks, with De Vito, Antonio; Pancotto, Livia; Reghezza, Alessio. Economics Letters. 2023 - ABS 3.
6. Does unconventional monetary policy boost local economic development? The case of TLTROs and Italy, with Philip Molyneux, Andi Duqi, and Hussein Al Tamimi. Journal of Banking and Finance. 2023 - ABS 3 - ANVUR A.
7. Non-significant in life but significant in death: Spillover effects to euro area banks from the SVB fallout, with Alessio Reghezza. Economics Letters. 2023 - ABS 3 – ANVUR
8. Do the capital buffers matter? Evidence from the stocks and flows of non-performing loans, with Antonella Francesca Cicchiello, Matteo Cotugno and Giuseppe Torluccio. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2023 - ABS 3 - ANVUR A.
9. Nonlinearities and expenditure multipliers in the Eurozone, with Andrea Boitani and Chiara Punzo. Industrial and Corporate Change. 2022 – ABS 3 - ANVUR A.
10. The role of religiosity in product and technology acceptance: evidence from COVID-19 vaccines, with Ludovico Bullini Orlandi and Valentina Febo. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. ABS 3 - ANVUR A.
11. The impact of corruption on companies' engagement in sustainability reporting practices: an empirical examination, with Cicchiello, Antonella Francesca; Kazemikhasragh, Amirreza; Rey, Antonio. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 2023 – ABS 2 – ANVUR A.
12. Which are the factors influencing green bonds issuance? Evidence from the European bonds market - with Antonella Francesca Cicchiello, Matteo Cotugno and Stefano Monferrà. Finance Research Letter. 2022 - ABS 2 - ANVUR A.
13. Credit spreads in the European green bond market: A daily analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic impact, with Matteo Cotugno, Stefano Monferra, and Antonella Francesca Cicchiello.` Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting. 2022 – ABS 2 - ANVUR A.
14. Is the ECB’s conventional monetary policy State-dependent? An event study approach, with Matteo Cotugno and Giuseppe Torluccio. Manchester School. 2022 – ABS 2.
15. Non‐financial disclosure regulation and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance: The case of EU and US firms. with Antonella Francesca Cicchiello, and Ferdinando Marrazza. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management– ABS 1 - ANVUR A.
16. Exploring the impact of ICT diffusion in the European banking industry: Evidence in the pre-and post-COVID-19, with Matteo Cotugno, Stefano Monferra, and Antonella Francesca Cicchiello.` Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions. 2021 – ABS 1.
17. Perdichizzi, D. S. (2017). Issues in Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Eurozone: An Empirical Investigation (Doctoral dissertation)

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Research interests cover monetary policy and empirical banking, with a focus on the effectiveness of unconventional and conventional monetary policies on economic development, financial markets and banking stability, green and sustainable finance, bank lending conditions, bank risk-shifting, bank performance, credit and sovereign debt dynamics.