Workshop in Sustainable Finance
"Sustainable finance, the way forward: opportunities and challenges for measurement, valuation, policies and markets"
Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti - Via Accademia 7, Padua
Friday, 25 October 2024, from 9.00 am to 17.30 pm
8.45-9 Registration
9-9.15 Welcome address by Paola Valbonesi (Head of the Department of Economics and Management ‘M. Fanno’)
9.15-10.45 Session 1 – Chair: Salvatore Perdichizzi
Valentina Michelangeli (Bank of Italy) - Is the Italian green mortgage market ready to take off?
Discussant: Marco Ghitti (University of Padova)
Simone Di Paolo (Bank of Italy) - Green(Washing) the Trust: Climate Information and Banking Policies
Discussant: Elisa Giaretta (University of Padova)
10.45-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-12 Session 2 – Chair: Amedeo Pugliese
Claudia Amadei (University of Padova)- Lifeboat or Dead Weight? ESG Information Purchase under Ambiguous Climate Scenarios
Discussant: Umutcan Salman (University of Padova)
12-12.45 Keynote 1 - Irene Monasterolo (University of Utrecht) - Climate stress testing: research advances, open issues and steps ahead
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.30 Session 3 – Chair: Camilla Ciappei
Andrea Zaghini (Bank of Italy) - It better be good, it better be green
Discussant: Salvatore Perdichizzi (University of Padova)
14.30-15.15 Keynote 2 - Lucia Alessi (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) - The EU sustainable finance regulatory framework
15.15-15.45 Coffee Break
15.45-16.45 Session 4 – Chair: Michele Fabrizi
Anne Schoenauer (University of Groningen) - Developing Transparent and Scalable Climate Indicators for over 200,000 European firms. A Novel Methodology Using Product Information
Lorenzo Prosperi (Prometeia) - Unmasking Climate Change: Traversing Storms, Cold, Heat and Fire in Corporate Earnings Calls through a Hybrid Taxonomy and GPT-based Methodology
16.45-17.30 Meet the Editors
Peter Szilagyi (Editor in Chief: Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money)
Giovanna Michelon (Associate Editor: European Accounting Review, Accounting and Business Research)
Amedeo Pugliese (Associate Editor: Corporate Governance: An International Review)
Organizing & Scientific committee:
Camilla Ciappei (University of Padua)
Giovanna Michelon (University of Padua)
Lucia Alessi (European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC))
Michele Fabrizi (University of Padua)
Salvatore Perdichizzi (University of Padua)
Co-funded by the Project "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2023-27" CUP C93C23002490005
It will be possible to attend the workshop as an auditor. Registration is mandatory and must be done by 15 October 2024 at the following link.
Download the full program here.