Workshop in Sustainable Finance

"Sustainable finance, the way forward: opportunities and challenges for measurement, valuation, policies and markets"
Department of Economics and Management 'Marco Fanno', University of Padua
Friday, 25 October 2024

Key dates
Submission Deadline:  13 September 2024
Feedback to submitting authors: 27 September 2024
Registration deadline: 15 October 2024 (free but limited availability)
Workshop date: 25 October 2024

Organizing & Scientific committee:
Camilla Ciappei (University of Padua)
Giovanna Michelon (University of Padua)
Lucia Alessi (European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC))
Michele Fabrizi (University of Padua)
Salvatore Perdichizzi (University of Padua)

Co-funded by the Project "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2023-27" CUP C93C23002490005

The Accounting and Finance Group at the University of Padua and the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) are pleased to announce the call for papers of the Workshop in Sustainable Finance, which will be held at the University of Padua on 25 October 2024. Our keynote speakers for the event will be Lucia Alessi (Team Leader - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission) and Prof Irene Monasterolo (University of Utrecht).

The importance of sustainable finance in today’s economic landscape cannot be over-stated. It intersects economic prosperity, environmental preservation, and societal well-being. However, human and business activities pose significant threats to planetary resources, making it imperative to act. Furthermore, sectors like oil and gas, food, forestry, insurance, and real estate are particularly susceptible to risks arising from regulatory changes, shifts in agricultural productivity, and depletion of natural resources. The capital markets, banking system, and the economy have a crucial role to play in assessing and pricing these risks, thereby helping households and institutions to manage them effectively. Moreover, they can drive positive change in vulnerable regions, economies, and industries.

The event aims to prompt a reflection over questions, issues and inquiries about opportunities and challenges in sustainable finance, focusing on key areas including measurement and reporting, valuation, policies, and markets.

The workshop will be held in a friendly and supportive environment, in the spirit of helping presenters develop their papers and receive valuable feedback. For this reason, we welcome submission of working papers that may be at a different stage of development and encourage anyone interested in these areas to attend and actively participate to the event. We seek to create a lively and engaged forum for discussion and policy considerations.

The workshop will also include a "Meet the Editors" session, providing a chance to engage with editors in finance and accounting journals. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with Peter Szilagyi (Editor in Chief: Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money), Giovanna Michelon (Associate Editor: European Accounting Review, Accounting and Business Research), and Amedeo Pugliese (Associate Editor: Corporate Governance: An International Review), gaining valuable insights into the publication process, receiving advice on developing their papers, and discussing current trends and challenges in finance and accounting research.

We welcome submission of papers that investigate broad issues of sustainable finance. These may include but not limited to:

  1. Role of sustainability information in investment decisions
  2. ESG ratings
  3. Sustainability risks measurement and pricing
  4. Sustainable investment strategies
  5. Impact investing and ESG integration
  6. Climate finance and green bonds
  7. Sustainable development goals (SDGs) and finance
  8. Financial innovations for sustainable development
  9. Risk management in sustainable finance
  10. Regulatory frameworks and policy implications
  11. Role of financial institutions in sustainability
  12. Sustainability and bank lending

Submissions can be in the form of extended abstracts or full papers. To submit, please email Camilla Ciappei ( no later than September 13, 2024.

Selected papers will be invited for presentation with the following tentative format (25 mins for the presenter, 10 mins discussion, 10 mins QA).

It will be possible to attend the workshop as an auditor. Registration is mandatory and must be done by 15 October 2024 at the following link.