Personale docente

Giovanni Pellegrino

Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B


Indirizzo: VIA DEL SANTO, 33 - PADOVA . . .


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Al 2023:
- Why Does Risk Matter More in Recessions than in Expansions? Implications for Monetary Policy,
Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming, with M. Andreasen, G. Caggiano and E. Castelnuovo.
- Uncertainty and Monetary Policy During the Great Recession,
International Economic Review, 2022, 64, 577-606, with G. Caggiano and E. Castelnuovo.
- Uncertainty and Monetary Policy in the US: A Journey in the Non-Linear Territory,
Economic Inquiry, 2021, 59, 1106-1128.
- The Impact of Pessimistic Expectations and the Effects of COVID-19-Induced Uncertainty in the Euro Area,
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 83, 841-869, with F. Ravenna and G. Züllig.
- Uncertainty Shocks and the Great Recession: Nonlinearities Matter,
Economics Letters, 2021, 198, with G. Caggiano and E. Castelnuovo
- Uncertainty-dependent Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks: A New Keynesian Interpretation
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2018, 93, 277-296, with E. Castelnuovo.
- Uncertainty and the Real Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks in the Euro Area
Economics Letters, 2018, 162, 177-181.
- Estimating the Real Effects of Uncertainty Shocks at the Zero Lower Bound
European Economic Review, 2017, 100, 257–272, with G. Caggiano and E. Castelnuovo.
- Liquidity Traps and Large-Scale Financial Crises
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2017, 81, 99-114, with G. Caggiano, E. Castelnuovo, O. Damette, and A. Parent.

Macroeconomia, politica monetaria, incertezza e ciclo economico.