Personale docente

Giovanni Caggiano

Professore ordinario


Indirizzo: VIA DEL SANTO, 33 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498273843


  • presso Department of Economics and Management, Via del Santo 22
    By email appointment (per appuntamento email)

2006 Ph.D. in Economics, University of York (UK)
2003 Dottorato in Economia Politica, Università degli Studi di Pavia

Esperienze professionali
2008 - Ricercatore, Dipartimento di Economia e Management, Università degli Studi di Padova
2004 - 2007 Lecturer in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Glasgow
2003 - 2004 Lecturer in Econometrics, School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter
2002 - 2003 Research Fellow, Ente Luigi Einaudi, Roma

Altre esperienze professionali
May 2014 Visiting Scholar, Research Unit, Bank of Finland, Helsinki
Apr – Mag 2013 Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Columbia University, New York
Gen – Mar 2009 Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Queen Mary University of London
June 2008 Visiting Researcher, Department of Economics, Queen Mary University of London

Pubblicazioni principali
“Nelson-Plosser revisited: the ACF approach”, (joint with K.M. Abadir and G. Talmain), Journal of Econometrics, 175: 22-34, 2013.
“Fiscal and Financial Determinants of Eurozone Sovereign Spreads”, (joint with L. Greco), Economics Letters, 117: 774-776, 2012.
“On the Dynamics of International Inflation”, (joint with E. Castelnuovo), Economics Letters, 112: 189-191, 2011.
“Are more data always better for factor analysis? Results for the euro area, the six largest euro area countries and the UK”, (joint with G. Kapetanios and V. Labhard), Journal of Forecasting, 30: 736-752, 2010.
“International Output Convergence: Evidence from an AutoCorrelation Function Approach”, (joint with L. Leonida), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24: 139-162, 2009.
“Globalization, Immigration and Lewisian Elastic Labor in Pre-World War II Southeast Asia”, (joint with W.G. Huff), Journal of Economic History, 67(1): 33-68, 2007.

For regular updates, see my personal webpage:

Caggiano, G., Castelnuovo, E. and N. Groshenny (2014), Uncertainty Shocks and Unemployment Dynamics in U.S. Recessions, Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming.
Caggiano, G., Calice, P. and L. Leonida (2014), Early Warning Systems and Banking Crises in Low-Income Countries: A Multinomial Logit Approach, Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming.
Abadir, K. M., Caggiano, G. and G. Talmain (2013), “Nelson-Plosser revisited: the ACF approach”, Journal of Econometrics, 175: 22-34.
Caggiano G. and L. Leonida (2013), “Polarization and absolute convergence”, Empirical Economics, 44: 1203-1215.
Caggiano, G. and L. Greco (2012), “Fiscal and Financial Determinants of Eurozone Sovereign Spreads”, Economics Letters, 117: 774-776.
Caggiano, G. and E. Castelnuovo (2011), “On the Dynamics of International Inflation”, Economics Letters, 112: 189-191.
Caggiano, G., Kapetanios, G. and V. Labhard (2011), “Are more data always better for factor analysis? Results for the euro area, the six largest euro area countries and the UK”, Journal of Forecasting, 30: 736-752.
Caggiano, G. and L. Leonida (2009), “International Output Convergence: Evidence from an AutoCorrelation Function Approach”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24: 139-162.
Caggiano, G. and L. Leonida (2007). “A note on the empirics of the neoclassical growth model”, Economics Letters, 94: 170-176.
Caggiano, G. and W. G. Huff (2007). “Globalization, Immigration and Lewisian Elastic Labor in Pre-World War II Southeast Asia”, Journal of Economic History, 67(1): 33-68.
Caggiano, G. and W. G. Huff (2007). “Globalization and labor market integration in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Asia'”, in (A. Field, G. Clark and W.A. Sundstrom, eds.), Research in Economic History, 25: 255-318.

Empirical Macroeconomics

Personal webpage: