Personale docente

Fabio Manenti

Professore associato confermato


Indirizzo: VIA DEL SANTO, 33 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498274238


  • Il Martedi' dalle 17:00 alle 18:30
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- Incarichi
Dal 2005 Università di Padova, professore associato in Economia Politica
2000 - 04 Università di Padova, ricercatore in Economia Politica
1999 - 00 Università di Padova, assegnista di ricerca in "Competition Policy and Antitrust"
1998 - 99 Università di Brescia, docente del corso di “Economia Industriale”
1997 - 98 Università di York (UK), teaching fellow in Economics

- Formazione
1995 - 00 University of York, DPhil in Economics.
1995 - 98 Università di Pavia, Dottorato di Ricerca in Economia Politica.
1994 - 95 University of York, MSc in Economics.



Download Curriculum_Manenti.pdf


• Measuring Switching Costs in the Italian Residential Electricity Markets, with Marco Magnani and Paola Valbonesi, The Energy Journal, 2024

• Platform Competition in the Tablet Market: the Role of Application Quality”, with Thanh Doan and Franco Mariuzzo, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2023.

• Selling Cross-Border in Online Markets; the Impact of the Ban on Geoblocking Strategies, with Marc Bourreau, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2023

• Patent Portfolios and Firms' Technological Choice, with Stefano Comino, Journal of Economics, 2022

• Updates Management in Mobile Applications. iTunes vs Google Play, with Stefano Comino and Franco Mariuzzo, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2019

• The Role of Patents in Information and Communication Technologies. A survey of the Literature, with Stefano Comino and Nikolaus Thumm, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2018

• To Upgrade or Not To Upgrade? The Release of New Versions To Survive in the Hypercompetitive App Market. Proceedings of the Intern. Workshop on App Markets Analytics, 2015

• Old Technology Upgrades, Innovation and Competition in Vertically Differentiated Markets, with Marc Bourreau and Paolo Lupi, Information Economics and Policy, 2014

• Access Regulation, Entry and Investments in Telecommunications, with Antonio Scialà, Telecommunications Policy, 2013

• Dual Licensing in Open Source Software Markets, with Stefano Comino, Information Economics and Policy, 2011.

• Ex-ante Licensing in Sequential Innovations, with Stefano Comino and Antonio Nicolò, Games and Economic Behavior, 2011

• Plastic Clushes: Competition Among Closed and Open Payment Systems, with Ernesto Somma, The Manchester School, 2011

• Public intervention for Free/Open Source Software, with Stefano Comino and Alessandro Rossi, Università di Trento, Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 2011

• Traffic Management in Wholesale International Roaming: Towards a More Efficient Market?, with Paolo Lupi, Bulletin of Economic Research, 2008

• One-way Compatibility, Two-way Compatibility and Entry in Network Industries, with Ernesto Somma, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2008

• From Planning to Mature: on the Success of Open Source Projects, with Stefano Comino and Marialaura Parisi, Research Policy, 2007

• Platform Competition and Broadband Uptake: Theory and Empirical Evidence from The European Union, with Walter Distaso and Paolo Lupi, Information Economics & Policy, 2006.

• Government Policies Supporting Open Source Software for the Mass Market , with Stefano Comino, Review of Industrial Organization, 2005

• How Long is a Piece of Cable? Equilibrium Determination of Local Telephone Areas, with Gianni De Fraja, Journal of Economics, 2003

• On the Impact of "Call-Back" Competition on International Telephony, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2001.


•高技术市场的产业组织分析 (Industrial Organization of High-Technology Markets), with Stefano Comino - Ed. 人民出版社 北京 (People's Publishing House, Beijing - CHINA), 2018

• Industrial Organization of High-Technology Markets, with Stefano Comino - Ed. Edwar Elgar, Cheltenham (UK), 2014

• Economia di Internet e delle ICT. I Mercati High-Tech fra Innovazione, Reti e Standard (Economics of High-Tech Markets), with Stefano Comino - Ed: G. Giappichelli, 2011

industrial economics
economics of innovation
networks & Internet economics
economics of information technologies
antitrust & competition policy

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