Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability in the dSEA Community
People are at the heart of the Department fostering a culture of inclusiveness, recognition and respect of individual rights. The Department's organizational culture values the ethical climate and the respect for values and norms shared by the University.
dSEA faculty, staff and students within their sphere of activity are obligated to respect and promote the following values:
- equal dignity of all individuals
- refusal of all forms of discrimination and valorization of individual merit, skills and competences
- freedom and fundamental rights
- upholding honesty, integrity and professionalism
- freedom of science and research
- fairness, impartiality, transparency and loyal cooperation
Gender equality and non-discrimination
dSEA supports UNIPD’s policies on ethical values that address equal opportunity, worker well-being, and the elimination of all types of discrimination. Members of the dSEA follow the Gender Equality Plan’s diversity and inclusion policies, promoting a pleasant work environment and interpersonal relationships based on equality and reciprocal justice and avoiding and combating discrimination, sexual and other harassment, and bullying.
dSEA shares the commitment made by UNIPD in the Charter of Sustainability Commitments, to engage in resource management that is responsible in terms of the economy and environmental impact, reducing waste and encouraging consumption reduction.
Codes of conduct and discipline
Respect for the dignity of all individuals, the rejection of all forms of discrimination, and the preservation of honesty, integrity, fairness, and transparency are fundamental principles of the dSEA mission. Employees are expected to exhibit acceptable behavior towards one another and the organization as a whole, ensuring the quality of services in accordance with the UNIPD Codes of Conduct and Discipline.
Enhancing Human Capital
With the aim of promoting the development of the Department and, at the same time, creating an increasingly inclusive, responsible, and sustainable work environment that prioritizes the well-being of its members, dSEA has launched a mentoring initiative for junior researchers and a professional development project for associate and full professors.