News archive

Meeting: Master’s thesis guidelines
The Orientation and Tutoring Service of the Department of Economics and Management has organised an online meeting dedicated to the Master's thesis on 18 February at 2.30 pm. Here is the link for the Zoom meeting: https://unipd.zoom.us/s/89783069815 This meeting will be conducted by Professor

Winter exam session
The winter exam session is taking place under conditions of increased virus circulation.Therefore, strict behaviors are required when taking the in-person exams.In particular, it is strongly recommended to:always wear an FFP2 mask when entering a university building;do not create crowds outside the

Virtual Fair
Virtual stand to promote Overseas exchanges December 17th 2021 Online event All times are Central European Time (C.E.T.)Zoom registration link: click hereAGENDA2:00 – 2:15 pmWelcome & Brief introduction to Ulisse Program and to Erasmus+ for studies beyond Europe Program Prof. Roberto Antonietti,

Return to in-person lessons
From Tuesday, 2 November 2021, except for Saturday lessons, all Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree lessons will be delivered in-person (in “blended” mode) until the end of the term. The classrooms for the lessons that were supposed to be delivered online will be available shortly in AgendaWEB.