News archive

Interview with EFCM- MBM former student Mariela Aires

Have a look at the interview with Mariela Aires EFCM - MBM former student and Fragrances & Flavours Innovation & Partnerships Manager at RB

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Master's thesis: Guidelines and procedures

Room C, 13.00-14.30


The tutoring service is organizing a meeting for 2nd year graduate students.

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Italian language course

Now open the registration to the Italian language classes (3 ECTS) for 2nd semester Erasmus incoming!For more information: deadline: February 28th

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Interview with MBM former student Elena Longato

Elena Longato, who attended the MBM program in 2013, shares her experience and the development of her professional career as Brand Manager at Gottardo

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dSEA Erasmus Welcome Day

room 32, via Bassi 1


The Department of Economics and Management welcomes its Erasmus incoming students next March 2nd at 3 pm (room 32, via Bassi 1).Program of the day> Unipd enrollment> Welcome speech> Some useful tips> Welcome snackPlease note that the attendance is compulsory.For more information please

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