Personale docente

Luigi Grossi

Telefono: 0498274135


Luigi Grossi ha ricevuto il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Statistica presso l'Università di Bologna. E' stato ricercatore presso l'Università di Parma. Ha trascorso periodi di ricerca presso PennState University (USA), University of Warwick (UK), University of Aarhus (DK) e University of Loughborough (UK). E' stato Associate Fellow presso Department of Economics, University of Warwick. Ha lavorato come membro e come coordinatore di molti progetti Finanziati dal Ministero della Ricerca Scientifica e dell'Istruzione (progetti PRIN) e dalla commissione Europea su temi legati a Energy Economics e Robust Statistics. E' stato Guest Editor di una special issue della rivista Energy Economics su “Quantitative Methods for Energy Markets”. E' stato supervisore di studenti di Dottorato e di assegnisti di ricerca su temi legati all'analisi dei mercati energetici. E' autore di articoli puubblicati su riviste internazionali ad elevato impatto quali Ecological Economics, Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, Energy Policy, Environmental and Resource Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, Oxford Economic Papers, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.

Pubblicazioni recenti
- Fianu, E.S., Ahelegbey, D.F., Grossi, L. (2021), Modeling risk contagion in the Italian zonal electricity market, European Journal of Operational Research, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.06.052.
- Beltrami, F., Fontini, F., Grossi, L. (2021) The value of carbon emission reduction induced by Renewable Energy Sources in the Italian power market, Ecological Economics, vol. 189, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107149.
- Beltrami, F., Fontini, F., Giulietti, M., Grossi L. (2021) The Zonal and Seasonal CO2 Marginal Emissions Factors for the Italian Power Market, Environmental and Resource Economics,
- Grossi L., Mussini M. (2021), Seasonality in tourist flows: Decomposing and testing changes in seasonal concentration, Tourism Management, Vol. 84, n.104289,
- Beltrami F., Burlinson A., Giulietti M., Grossi L., Rowley P., Wilson G. (2020). Where did the time (series) go? Estimation of marginal emission factors with autoregressive components, Vol. 91, September 2020, 104905, Energy Economics,
- Aronne A., Grossi L. and Bressan A.A. (2020), Identifying outliers in asset pricing data with a new weighted forward search estimator, Revista Contabilidade & Financas, Epub January 31, 2020.
- Grossi L. and Laurini F. (2020), Robust asset allocation with conditional value at risk using the forward search, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Vol. 36, Issue 3, May 2020, pp. 335-352,
- Crosato L. and Grossi L. (2019), Correcting outliers in GARCH models: a weighted forward approach, Statistical Papers, Vol. 60, Issue 6, pp 1939-1970, doi:10.1007/s00362-017-0903-y.
- Grossi L., Nan F. (2019), Robust forecasting of electricity prices: simulations, models and the impact of renewable sources, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 141, p. 305-318.
- Giulietti M., Grossi L., Trujillo Baute E., Waterson M. (2018), Analyzing the Potential Economic Value of Energy Storage, The Energy Journal, Vol. 39, pp. 101-122.
- Grossi L., Heim S., Hüschelrath K., Waterson M. (2018), Electricity market integration and the impact of unilateral policy reforms, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 70, Issue 3, pp. 799–820
- Grossi L., Mussini M. (2018), A spatial shift-share decomposition of electricity consumption changes across Italian regions, Energy Policy, Vol. 113, p. 278-293, doi:
Grossi L., Heim S. and Waterson M. (2017), The Impact of the German Response to the Fukushima Earthquake, Energy Economics, Vol. 66, p. 450-465, doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2017.07.010. (Rivista Fascia A per ANVUR e per abilitazione SECS-S/03).
- Grossi L., Mussini M. (2017), Inequality in energy intensity in the EU-28. Evidences from a new decomposition method, The Energy Journal, Vol. 38 (4), - Mussini M., Grossi L. (2015), Decomposing changes in CO2 emission inequality over time: the roles of re-ranking and changes in per capita CO2 emission disparities, Energy Economics, Vol. 49, pp. 274-281.
- Fianu Senyo E., Grossi L. (2015), Estimation of risk measures on electricity markets with fat tailed distributions, Journal of Energy Markets, Vol.8(3), pp. 29-54.

EL C32 - Time-Series Models; Dynamic Quantile Regressions; Dynamic Treatment Models;Diffusion Processes;State Space Models Robust estimation of model coefficients applied to financial and energy data odered by time. Analysis and prediction of prices collected on financial and electricity markets. Quantitative Methods for Economics
Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models; Multiple Variables
JEL C53 - Forecasting and Prediction Methods;Simulation Methods Statistical methods for short-term prediction of time series. Evaluation of forecasting performance using computer simulated data. Quantitative Methods for Economics
Econometric Modeling
JEL C58 - Financial Econometrics Covers studies related to econometric modeling of financial markets. Analysis of econometric models with continuous time and its applications in finance. Robust estimates for volatility models of financial returns. Quantitative Methods for Economics
Econometric Modeling
JEL Q43 - Energy and the Macroeconomy Statistical analysis of energy efficiency and intensity observed at country and regional level. Concentration indexes are applied and decomposed to improve the economic interpretation of the output. Enviromental Economics, Energy Economics, Sustainability and Development
JEL Q47 - Energy Forecasting Forecasting energy prices by the estimation of models which capture possible non-linear time evolution of prices. Enviromental Economics, Energy Economics, Sustainability and Development
MSC 62F35 - Robustness and adaptive procedures Robust estimation of model parameters which are not affected by the presence of outlying observations. Outlier detection through forward search methods. Quantitative Methods for Economics
Parametric inference