"Brexit" and the UK's future relationship with the UE

Aula G (piano rialzato), Vallisneri - ore 8.30


Seminar by prof. Elspeth Berry, Reader in Law (University of Nottingham Trent – UK)

In June 2016 the British people were asked in a national referendum whether they wished to leave or remain in the EU.  By a small but decisive majority they voted to leave. This lecture will discuss the legal mechanism governing the UK’s withdrawal (Article 50 TFEU), the impact on the UK’s law and legal system (ending of direct effect and preliminary references; removal of EU Treaties and Regulations; constitutional difficulties within the UK) and the possible templates for its future relationship with the EU.

Seminario finanziato dall’Università di Padova nell’ambito del progetto di sviluppo della didattica in lingua veicolare nell’anno accademico 2016/2017 (“Bando per il finanziamento di attività di internazionalizzazione della didattica, a.a. 2016-2017”).