Guest speaker #04 - Renata Duretti (Country HR Manager, IKEA Italia)

Via Bassi 1, Room 32, 10.30-12.15


Lunedì 5 marzo alle 10.30, durante il corso di HR Management for International Firms course, tenuto dal prof. Paolo Gubitta, sarà ospite Renata Duretti, Country HR Manager presso IKEA Italia.

Titolo dell'incontro: Managing Diversity in a Global Firm: the IKEA case


«We believe the uniqueness of every individual makes IKEA better!»

«We see diversity and inclusion as the right thing to do. Recognising our co-workers’ differences contributes to creativity and supports our growth».

Caring for people, diversity and inclusion is embedded in the vision and values of IKEA Group. The company strive to have a diverse and inclusive work environment where co-workers feel valued for their uniqueness, recognised for their diverse talents, and where co-workers can be themselves.

Renata Duretti is the Country HR Manager of IKEA Italia. She joined IKEA in 1996 as Operation Manager. In 2006 she moved to IKEA Italia headquarters where she first held the role of Retail Logistic Manager and then the role of Customer Relation Manager. Renata is also Board Member and Head of Welfare Commitee in Valore D, an association committed to the development of female leadership.