Guest speaker #05 - Luca Vignaga (HR Director, Marzotto Group)

Via Bassi 1, Room 32, 8.30-10.15,


Martedì 6 marzo, dalle 8.30 alle 10.15, durante il corso di HR Management for International Firms course, tenuto dal prof. Paolo Gubitta, sarà ospite Luca Vignaga, HR Director presso Marzotto Group.

Titolo dell'incontro: 

How National Institutional Environment affects Employee Relations: the Marzotto Group case



Marzotto Group is a key international player in the textile industry and is structured as a “company network” that encompasses prestigious brands. It functions as a hub in the textile supply chain through our national and global acquisitions and agreements: the production facilities are located in Italy (6 plants) and in other five countries (7 plants), and the company employees more than 4,100 people.


Luca Vignaga, Law degree obtained in 1991. 25 years of experience in Human Resources. Chief Human Resources Officer in Marzotto Group S.p.A. since 2008. Luca Vignaga was Vice President of AIDP (Italian Association of Personnel Management) from 2009 to 2017.