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"Who supports liberal policies? A tale of two referendums in Italy"

In this paper, published in Economics Letters, Leonardo Madio (dSEA Unipd) and Francesco Principe (University of Bergamo) examine at the municipality level in Italy the factors that drive support for two referendums: one on the decriminalization of cannabis cultivation and the other on physician


27th September 2019: Inaugural Lecture of the Ph.D program in Economics and Management

Sala Carmeli via Galileo Galilei, Padova

Inaugural Lecture of the Ph.D program in Economics and Management: “Human Networks and their Economic Consequences”. Chair: Prof. Salvador Barberà, (Emeritus Professor of Economics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a Barcelona GSE Emeritus Research Professor). Prof. Matthew O. Jackson,(William D. Eberle Professor of Economics at Stanford University).


"Robots and the productivity of local manufacturing systems in Emilia-Romagna: the mediating role of occupational similarity and complexity"

In their recent publication in "European Planning Studies", Roberto Antonietti, (Department of Economics and Management, University of Padua), Luca Cattani (Gran Sasso Science Institute) and Giulio Pedrini (Kore University of Enna) analyze the link between robot exposure, labour productivity, and


Professione Profumo


"What’s in a shade? The market relevance of green bonds’ external reviews"

Authors:Marco Ghitti Department of Economics and Management, University of PaduaGianfranco Gianfrate EDHEC Business SchoolFlorencio Lopez-de-Silanes SKEMA Business School, Universite Cote d'Azur & NBERMarco Spinelli EDHEC Risk Institute Investigating the informative content of Second Party
