MEET YOUR FUTURE 4th EDITION: 26th November 2019

Padova: via Bassi 1, Room 12 - via Bassi 2, Room E


With Alumni Università degli Studi di Padova


5 Alumni will go back to the classroom to talk about their professional career, 1 workshop on communication skills, 11 companies that will test students with speed job interviews.

These are the numbers of Meet Your Future, the fourth edition of the event organized by the Department of Economics and Business Sciences of the University of Padua in collaboration with the Alumni Association of the University of Padua, scheduled for Tuesday, 26th November 2019, from 9.00am to 6.30pm.

Don't loose the Alumni Round Table, from 9.15am to11.00am, titled “I would like to work…Learning from Alumni’s career experience", with:

Filippo Bano, Ferrero
Giulia Fiorati, Luxottica
Federico Lago, Wilson Wright
Monica Langella, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics
Stefania Lotto, Gradiente Sgr

Moderators: Diego Campagnolo and Martina Gianecchini

If you are a master degree student, we're waiting for you from 2.45pm to 6.00pm at the speed interviews with 11 firms.

Speed Interviews are quick job interviews: a valuable opportunity to get in the game and to receive an useful feedback about you.

Every speed interview lasts 15 minutes and you can choose up to 3 companies, among 11:


It's possible to subscribe to the event until 25th November, h 12.00 pm: only for students in their 3rd year First cycle degree in Economics #TrEC

Click here for your registration