Research Workshop: Experimental governance architectures for climate change in the European Union. Ambitions, challenges and pitfalls
Ore 9.00 - Sala Seminari, Department of Economy and Management, Via del Santo, 33 - Padova
Martedì 20 marzo avrà luogo un workshop co-organizzato dal dSEA e dal dipartimento SPGI durante il quale si discuterà del cambiamento climatico e delle sfide che dovranno affrontare i governi europei nei prossimi anni.
Title: Experimental governance architectures for climate change in the European Union. Ambitions, challenges and pitfalls
An increasing number of policy and governance innovations has been promoted by the European Union (EU) over the last decade in an attempt to identify the most effective solutions for facing the challenge of climate change. Although many of these experiments, when compared to more traditional modes of governance, were claimed to be better suited to address the multidimensional and complex nature of climate change, the evidence about their impact is still developing and significant gaps in our knowledge about their actual effectiveness remain.
This workshop is organised within the framework of the research project ‘Climate change policies and governance. The experience of EU voluntary instruments’ (2017-2018) with the aim to reflect on the potential and pitfalls of EU programmes that target local authorities and enterprises and aim to enhance their joint action for climate through coordination and learning. Drawing on the preliminary findings of the project as well as on contributions of invited scholars, the workshop explores when, where and how public and private actors get involved in such cooperative networks, and with what effect.
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. - Climate change and policy networks of local authorities in the EU
Chair: Ekaterina Domorenok
9:00 a.m. - Climate policies and governance in the EU – Project Introduction - Ekaterina Domorenok (University of Padua)
9:15 a.m. - The EU Covenant of Mayors: a cross-country comparison (Italy, Germany, Poland and the UK) – Giuseppe Acconcia (University of Padua)
9:50 a.m. - The implementation of the Covenant of Mayors in Spain - Xira Campillo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
10:25 a.m. - German responses to the Covenant of Mayors - Lena Bendin (German Institute for Urbanism - Difu)
11:00 a.m. - Coffee break
11:15 a.m. - Law carbon strategies of European cities and the Covenant of Mayors – Benedetta Lucchitta (Bocconi University)
11:50 a.m. - The European Commission and local networks for climate policy innovation– Emanuela Bozzini (University of Trento)
12:25 a.m. - Open discussion
2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. - Moving towards a green economy in Europe – policy instruments
Chair: Eleonora Di Maria
2:00 p.m. - The EU Eco-innovation Plan: a cross-country comparison (Italy, Germany, Poland and UK) – Ekaterina Domorenok and Eleonora Di Maria (University of Padua)
2:35 p.m. - Green business and eco-innovation strategies in Italy - Eleonora Di Maria (University of Padua)
3:10 p.m. - Eco-innovation through public-private partnerships in Germany – Katharina Spraul (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern)
3:45 p.m.- Government policies and eco-innovation. Evidence from selected CEE Countries - Malgorzata Lewandowska (Warsaw School of Economics)
4:20 p.m. - Coffee break
4:35 p.m. - Final remarks - Anthony Zito (University of Newcastle)
5.15 p.m. – Open discussion and future steps
Prof. Ekaterina Domorenok - ekaterina.domorenok@unipd.it
Administrative Office: Department of SPGI
Dott.ssa Barbara Gollin - barbara.gollin@unipd.it - tel. 0498274045.
Graphic project: Giulio Bardelli e Pietro Rusalen