Seminario di Debora Gottardello


Human Resource Management Outsourcing in Spanish organizations: Evolution over time and its relationship with devolution

Seminario di Debora Gottardello, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The current article examines the evolution in the use of Human resources outsourcing in Spanish firms, and determine the differences in the degree of implementation of HRO since 1999 until 2014, thus understanding the genesis and present situation of the field. It prove the assumption that HRM outsourcing is perceived as a growing trend and that organizations will use this practice more and more as time went on. We also analyze the relationship between HR outsourcing and devolution of HR responsibilities to line managers in Spanish organizations. The findings of the 1999 and 2014 CRANET survey identify statistically significant differences among the years in the use of HRO. The results from the logistic regression analysis further showed that Human Resource Outsourcing of functions such as compensation and benefits, recruitment and selection, training and development and outplacement are more likely to be outsourced when the responsibility of HR activities is devolved.