
Tutoring: Management - organizations

Dal 16.09.2024 al 20.09.2024

This Tutoring is designed for our 1st year Master's degree students, especially to those enrolling in our Master degrees in Management for Sustainable Firms and in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting. 

The professor will publish all materials and the course recordings in Moodle.

Venue: room 14, 1st floor, via Ugo Bassi 1

Course schedule:

  • 16 settembre - 12.30-14.30
  • 17 settembre - 12.30-14.30
  • 18 settembre - 12.30-14.30
  • 19 settembre - 12.30-14.30
  • 20 settembre – 12.30-14.30

Additional hours are dedicated to on demand requests.

Professor: Anna Angela Ponti
E-mail address: annaangela.ponti@unipd.it


For further information:
Segreteria didattica Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "M. Fanno"
Via Ugo Bassi, 1 Padova
tel. 049 827 1230