Tutoring: Statistics

Dal 20.01.2025 al 17.02.2025

This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts of applied statistics, including probability, most popular distributions, statistical inference for master degree students at the first year.

It is strongly recommended for students with weak/no basis of statistics, to ease their way through the main course ‘Financial mathematics and statistics’ for master degree in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting and the main course 'Statistics for decision making' for master degree in Managemetn for sustainable firms.


The teacher will publish all the materials in Moodle.

The course is held in-person in Classroom 32, via Bassi 1.


  • 20 January 14.30-16.30
  • 23 January 12.30-14.30
  • 27 January 14.30-16.30
  • 30 January 12.30-14.30
  • 3 February 14.30-16.30
  • 6 February 12.30-14.30
  • 10 February 14.30-16.30
  • 13 February 12.30-14.30
  • 17 February 14.30-16.30

Additional hours are dedicated to 'on demand' requests.

Professor: Dott. Dehghan Jabarabadi Shahram 
E-mail: shahram.dehghanjabarabadi@unipd.it


For further information: 
Segreteria Didattica Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "M. Fanno"
Via Ugo Bassi, 1 Padova
tel. 049 827 1230
Email: didattica.economia@unipd.it