Workshop - Creating Value Through Manufacturing: Exploiting Industry 4.0 in a Circular Economy Framework
University of Padova, Sala Carmeli - Via G. Galilei, 36 Padova
Dal 14.03.2019 al 15.03.2019
The workshop aims at exploring the theoretical and empirical challenges concerning the emerging paradigm related to industry 4.0 (additive manufacturing, IoT, cloud computing, robotics, etc.) and the implications for manufacturing and innovation processes in a global competitive environment.
On the one hand, the fourth industrial revolution opens new questions on the location strategies of production activities across clusters, regions and countries, putting under discussion offshoring decisions and emphasizing distributed manufacturing processes and the colocation of manufacturing and consumption. On the other hand technologies may also play a key role in supporting a more effective use of resources in a circular economy perspective.
Keynote Speech
Prof. Steffen Kinkel (Karlsruhe University of Applied Science)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Kinkel is Professor for International Management, Innovation Management and Networked Business at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. He is founder and director of the Institute for Learning and Innovation in Networks (ILIN). From July 2004 to August 2012 he was Head of the Competence Centre „Industrial and Service Innovations“ at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. In 2003 he obtained his PhD in business administration from Stuttgart University. In 1995 he obtained his diploma in industrial engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Prof. Kinkel has coordinated numerous national and international research projects. His main research areas include global and local value chains, offshoring and re-/backshoring, Industry 4.0, smart business models, production and innovation networks, evaluation of company locations, and technology planning and foresight.
Participation to the workshop is free of charge: travel and accommodation costs at the charge of participants.
Registration is mandatory, to be done through this link:
For further information please contact: info.digitalmanufacturing@unipd.it
Project n.BIRD161248/16