Stage & Placement Office

The Stage & Placement Office works within the Department of Economics and Management in cooperation with the Career Service and companies, students and graduates to create interaction opportunities between labor supply and demand. We favour curricular and extracurricular internships as well as employment opportunities in public or private enterprises, in national or international firms, supporting the connection between the professional and the academic world. 

The Office provides students, graduates and companies with a variety of services including:

  • Management of compulsory, optional, career guidance internships in Italy and abroad
  • Management of international students’ internships (Bilateral Agreements, Erasmus+)
  • Classes dedicated to resume elaboration, interview practice sessions, labor market entry
  • Supporting enterprises during the selection of profiles suitable to their organizational needs
  • Administrative, educational and informative support for the officialization of internships
  • Customized career counseling by appointment only (resume, cover letter, facing a job interview, looking for job opportunities)
  • Management of relations with stakeholders
  • Promotion of internship opportunities through mailing lists and social medias

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno"
Servizio Stage & Placement
Location: Via Ugo Bassi, 1 - 35131 Padova
Phone: + 39 049 827 1270 (Memo) - 1280 (Morè) - 1462 (Pegoraro)

Internship Dean: prof. Diego Campagnolo and prof. Thomas Bassetti

Staff: dr Enrico Memo, dr Marianna Morè, dr Alice Pegoraro