News archive


"Social capital, resilience, and regional diversification in Italy"

In this paper, published in Industrial and Corporate Change, Roberto Antonietti from the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova and Ron A. Boschma from Utrech University, investigate the role of social capital for the entry and exit of industries in Italian provinces



Proposta di intervento normativo a favore della sostenibilità economico‐finanziaria del sistema economico e produttivo

Un gruppo di docenti di economia aziendale del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali “M. Fanno”, di fronte alla crisi generata dalla diffusione del virus COVID-19 in Italia e nel mondo, ha avanzato una proposta di intervento normativo orientata alla salvaguardia del tessuto industriale e



Climate-change adaptation: The role of fiscal policy


The climate change and natural disasters have important consequences on fiscal sustainability, especially for developing countries with limited financial resources and underdeveloped institutions.The paper, written by Lorenzo Forni (dSEA) with Michele Catalano (Prometeia Associazione) and Emilia



"Who Benefits from Privileged Peers? Evidence from Siblings in Schools"

In this study, published in the Journal of Applied Econometrics, Marco Bertoni and Giorgio Brunello from the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno" and Lorenzo Cappellari from the Catholic University of Milan compare siblings attending the same school at different points of time and



"Ambidextrous strategies in turbulent times: the experience of manufacturing SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic"

In their recent publication in the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Marco Bettiol, Mauro Capestro and Eleonora Di Maria from the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova, and Stefano Micelli from Ca Foscari University of Venice,
