Internship for Master's degree students

Students of all Master's degrees can start a curricular internship from the second trimester of the second year and only after earning at least 70 ECTS credits.

The optional internship is worth 6 ECTS credits and must have a minimum duration of 150 hours to be carried out continuously (except for brief justified interruptions) at the same host institution.

Students of the Master's degree in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting (Curriculum "Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale") are required to complete a mandatory internship, with a minimum duration of 300 hours and worth 12 ECTS credits, to be carried out continuously (except for brief justified interruptions) at the same host institution.

Discontinued Master's degrees:

Students of Master's degree in Business Administration, Economics and Finance, and Entrepreneurship & Innovation can only undertake optional curricular internships, i.e. without credit recognition. At the end of the internship, they do not need to produce any documentation and should therefore follow the procedure below only up to point 5.

Students of the Master's degree in Economics and Law (Economia e Diritto) can always undertake an optional curricular internship. However, starting from the second semester of the second year,, and only after achieving 70 ECTS credits, they can also begin the mandatory curricular internship, which is part of the study plan, with a minimum duration of 350 hours, granting 14 ECTS credits.

Steps for starting and registering the internship

  1. Check partner list

  • If the name of the host organization is not there, the intern must ask the company tutor to register the company's details here. Then, 24 hours after the new registration, you will be able to enter the training project and proceed to point 2 (upload of the training project) of the procedure.
  • If the name of the host institution is there, proceed directly to point 2 of the procedure.

  2. The training project

  3. Online health and safety course

  4. Receipt & return of documentation, and start of the internship

  5. During the internship

  6. Filling in the end-of-internship documentation (only for active Master's degrees and MED)

  7. Internship registration (only for active Master’s degrees and MED)

Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno"
Stage & Placement Service
Location: Via Ugo Bassi, 1 - 35131 Padua
Phone: + 39 049 827 1270 (Memo) - 1280 (Morè) - 1462 (Pegoraro)

Dean: prof. Diego Campagnolo and prof. Thomas Bassetti

Staff: Enrico Memo, Marianna Morè and Alice Pegoraro