Start an internship with recent graduates

To start an extracurricular internship with recent graduates, it is necessary to follow the steps below:

  Before the internship

Extracurricular internships follow the regulations of the region where the internship takes place.

Therefore, it is necessary to contact the Stage & Placement Office to receive the correct documents (training agreement and extracurricular training project) and to communicate the exact region where the internship will be carried out.

The Stage & Placement Office will send the documentation and compilation instructions via email.

The exchange of documents will take place entirely via email between the University, the host organization (company), and the intern.

  During the internship

Any changes in location, business trips, changes in working days/hours, extensions, absences, sick leaves or interruptions of the internship must be communicated via email by the company tutor to the office at

  At the end of the internship

At the end of the internship, the host institution will have the possibility to fill in the Certificate of Learning Outcomes, which varies depending on the region where the internship took place.

If the internship is carried out in Veneto: the Certificate and the Dossier are to be filled in and sent to the Stage & Placement Office. Once signed, they will be returned to the intern.

If the internship took place in other regions, please contact the Career Service of the University of Padua.


Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno"
Stage & Placement Office
Location: Via Ugo Bassi, 1 - 35131 Padua
Phone: + 39 049 827 1270 (Memo) - 1280 (Morè) - 1462 (Pegoraro)

Dean: prof. Diego Campagnolo and prof. Thomas Bassetti

Staff: Enrico Memo, Marianna Morè and Alice Pegoraro