Internship outside of mobility programs

  Contact the Stage & Placement Service

Send an email to indicating your intention to start an internship abroad and providing the following information:

BUSINESS NAME of the host organization/institution


REGISTERED OFFICE  (or foreign office where the internship will take place if the company is italian)

  Report changes in location, business trips, changes in working days/hours, extensions, absences, sick leaves or interruptions

For reasons related to insurance coverage during the internship, any changes in location, business trips, changes in working days/hours, extensions, absences, sick leaves or interruptions must be communicated in advance via email or with the Internship variation form.

Absences during the internship must always be agreed upon in advance with the company tutor.

  Have the end-of-internship documentation completed and submitted

Within 40 days after the end of the internship, the student must:

- Have the end-of-internship documents completed, stamped, and signed by the company tutor, renaming the file with your LAST NAME and FIRST NAME (keeping the rest unchanged - e.g., "ROSSI MARIO - Internship final documents.pdf"), and send the file in PDF format to by the internship registration deadlines.

- Upload the internship report, following the rules for internship reports in Italy.

For MED students, the report must be signed on the front page by the company tutor in accordance with the new Regulation OR submitted in paper format, signed on the front page by both the academic tutor and the company tutor according to the old Regulation, as required by the respective procedures. The report must receive approval for uploading from the academic autor, and its evaluation must be completed by the internship registration deadlines.

Any exceptions, with adequate justification, should be discussed with the Stage & Placement Service.

  Contact the Stage & Placement Service for registration

The Master’s degree students in 'Economia e Diritto' ('Economics and Law') must contact the Stage & Placement Service at to complete the internship registration procedure, which includes an in-person interview on the topic of the internship report with the commission. 

Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno"
Stage & Placement Service
Location: Via Ugo Bassi, 1 - 35131 Padua
Phone: + 39 049 827 1270 (Memo) - 1280 (Morè) - 1462 (Pegoraro)

Dean: prof. Diego Campagnolo and prof. Thomas Bassetti

Staff: Enrico Memo, Marianna Morè and Alice Pegoraro