Selected Publications Management
Top Publications
Are lean and digital engaging better problem solvers? An empirical study on Italian manufacturing firms. Ambra Galeazzo, Andrea Furlan, Diletta Tosetto, Andrea Vinelli, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 44(6), 1217-1248.
Blockchain adoption and operational performance: A secondary data analysis on effects and contingencies. Giovanna Culot, Matteo Podrecca, Guido Nassimbeni.International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Vol. 44 No. 13, pp. 69-99.
The role of managerial perceptions and behaviors across hierarchical levels during lean implementation, Sven Januszek, Torbjørn Netland, Andrea Furlan, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 44(1), 54-74.
Anti-Mafia Police Actions, Criminal Firms, and Peer Firm Tax Avoidance. Justin Chircop, Michele Fabrizi, Patrizia Malaspina, Antonio Parbonetti, Journal of Accounting Research, 61: 243-277.
Enhancing the inventive capacity of European regions through interregional collaboration. Ivan De Noni, Andrea Ganzaroli, Regional Studies, 58(7), 1425–1445.
Environmental Upgrading and Downgrading in Global Value Chains: A Framework for Analysis. Aarti Krishnan, Valentina De Marchi, Stefano Ponte, Economic Geography, 99(1), 25–50.
Corporate Governance Research in the Wake of a Systemic Crisis: Lessons and Opportunities from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Alessandro Zattoni, Amedeo Pugliese. Journal of Management Studies, 58: 1405-1410.
Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success. Jon Briscoe, Martina Gianecchini et al., Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130, 103612.
Human Capital Development Practices and Career Success: The moderating role of country development and income inequality. Silvia Bagdadli, Martina Gianecchini, Maike Andresen, Rick Cotton, Robert Kaše, Mila Lazarova, Adam Smale, Janine Bosak, Jon Briscoe, Katharina Chudzikowski, Silvia Dello Russo, Astrid Reichel, Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Large-sample evidence on the impact of unconventional oil and gas development on surface waters. Pietro Bonetti, Christian Leuz, Giovanna Michelon, Science 373, 896-902.
The impact of abandoning social responsibility certifications: evidence from the decertification of SA8000 standard. Matteo Podrecca, Guido Orzes, Marco Sartor, Guido Nassimbeni. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 41 No. 13, pp. 100-126.
Too Unsafe to Monitor? How Board–CEO Cognitive Conflict and Chair Leadership Shape Outside Director Monitoring. Dennis Veltrop, Pieter-Jan Bezemer, Amedeo Pugliese, Gavin Nicholson, Academy of Management Journal, 64(1).
The marketization of a social movement: Activists, shareholders and CSR disclosure. Giovanna Michelon, Michelle Rodrigue, Elisabetta Trevisan. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 80, 101074.
Other Selected Publications
A network perspective of cognitive and geographical proximity of sustainable tourism organizations: evidence from Italy, Silvia Blasi, Shira Fano, Silvia Rita Sedita, Gianluca Toschi, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36 (2), 478-504.
Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change: A Patent Analysis in the Manufacturing Sector. Matteo Podrecca, Giovanna Culot, Sam Tavassoli and Guido Orzes. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 71, pp. 15005-15024.
Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: A systematic literature review of empirical studies and research directions. Giovanna Culot, Matteo Podrecca, Guido Nassimbeni. Computers in Industry. Volume 162, 104132.
Bank market power and supervisory enforcement actions, Giovanni Cardillo, Matteo Cotugno, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Giuseppe Torluccio. International Review of Financial Analysis, 91, 103014.
Carbon emission and firms’ value: Evidence from Europe, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Bruno Buchetti, Antonella Francesca Cicchiello, Lorenzo Dal Maso, Energy Economics, 131, 107324,
Does a rising tide lift all boats? An empirical analysis of the relationship between country digitalization and low-tech SMEs performance, Antonella Francesca Cicchiello, Maria Cristina Pietronudo, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Yue Cheng. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 207, 123632.
Entrepreneur and organizational resilience: A multilevel perspective on Italian SMEs. Simona Leonelli, Diego Campagnolo, Martina Gianecchini, Journal of Small Business Management, 1–29.
Is this time different? How Industry 4.0 affects firms’ labor productivity. Marco Bettiol, Mauro Capestro, Eleonora Di Maria, et al. Small Business Economics. 62, 1449–1467.
Unequal by malice, protesters by outrage: Agent perceptions drive moralization of, and collective action against, inequality. Carmen Cervone, Caterina Suitner, Luciana Carraro, Andrea Menini, Anne Maass, British Journal of Social Psychology, 63(4):1879-1898.
A governance approach to stakeholder engagement in sustainable enterprises—Evidence from B Corps. Chaoyuan She, Giovanna Michelon, Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(8), 5487–5505.
A patent-based analysis of the evolution of basic, mission-oriented, and applied research in European universities. Gabriele Angori., Chiara Marzocchi, Laura Ramaciotti, Ugo Rizzo. Journal of Technology Transfer. 49, 609–641.
Artificial intelligence and relocation of production activities: An empirical cross-national study. Steffen Kinkel, Mauro Capestro, Eleonora Di Maria, Marco Bettiol, International Journal of Production Economics, 261, 108890.
Assessing banks’ resilience: A complementary approach to stress testing using fair values from banks’ financial statements. Trang Dao, Amedeo Pugliese, Joshua Ronen, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 50, 1206–1239.
Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions’ Data and the Urgent Need for a Science-Led Just Transition: Introduction to a Thematic Symposium. Timo Busch, Charles Cho, Andreas Hoepner, Giovanna Michelon et al. Journal of Business Ethics 182, 897–901.
Credit refinancing and corporate tax avoidance. Anna Alexander, Magdalena Pisa, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 42, 3, 107073.
Director tenure and contribution to board task performance: A time and contingency perspective. Natalie Elms, Amedeo Pugliese, Long Range Planning, 56, 1, 102217.
Do Foreign Cash Holdings Generate Uncertainty for Analysts? Michele Fabrizi, Elisabetta Ipino, Michel Magnan, Antonio Parbonetti, European Accounting Review, 32(1), 169–196.
Do institutional donors value social media activity and engagement? Empirical evidence on Italian non-profit grantees. Anna Alexander, Silvia Pilonato, Giulia Redigolo. The British Accounting Review, 55, 5, 101169.
Does unconventional monetary policy boost local economic development? The case of TLTROs and Italy. Salvatore Perdichizzi, Andi Duqi, Philip Molyneux, Hussein Al Tamimi. Journal of Banking & Finance, 148, 106736.
Don’t go on holiday in August! Market reaction to an unexpected windfall tax on banks. Antonio De Vito, Livia Pancotto, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Alessio Reghezza. Economics Letters, 233, 111407.
Economists’ Political Donations and GDP Forecast Accuracy. Andrea Bafundi, Claudia Imperatore, European Accounting Review, 1–28.
Environmental Accounting in the European Accounting Review: A Reflection. Jan Bebbington, Matias Laine, Carlos Larrinaga, Giovanna Michelon, European Accounting Review, 32(5), 1107–1128.
Environmental Disclosure and the Cost of Capital: Evidence from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. Pietro Bonetti, Charles Cho, Giovanna Michelon, European Accounting Review, 1–29.
How do omnichannel strategies contribute to value-based healthcare? An orchestra-based analysis. Marco Paiola, Tatiana Khvatova, Francesco Schiavone, Alberto Ferraris. Journal of Business Research, 167, 114175.
Investor behavior around targeted liquidity announcements. Giovanni Cardillo, Enrico Onali, Salvatore Perdichizzi, The British Accounting Review, 56, 6, 101275.
Non-significant in life but significant in death: Spillover effects to euro area banks from the SVB fallout. Salvatore Perdichizzi, Alessio Reghezza. Economics Letters, 230, 111231.
Revitalizing double‐loop learning in organizational contexts: A systematic review and research agenda. Mercedes-Victoria Auqui-Caceres, Andrea Furlan. European Management Review, 20(4), 741–761.
Ritual-based redesign of routines: an experimental approach in the restaurant industry. Claudia Cozzio, Andrea Furlan, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(6), 2113-2135.
The horizontal governance of environmental upgrading: Lessons from the Prosecco and Valpolicella wine value chains in Italy. Stefano Ponte, Valentina De Marchi, Marco Bettiol, Eleonora Di Maria, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55(8), 1884-1905.
What's in a shade? The market relevance of green bonds’ external reviews. Marco Ghitti, Gianfranco Gianfrate, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Marco Spinelli. The British Accounting Review, 2023, 101271.
Covid-19, corporate survival and public policy: The role of accounting information and regulation in the wake of a systemic crisis. Bruno Buchetti, Antonio Parbonetti, Amedeo Pugliese. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. 41, 1, 106919.
Cross-border M&As: The impact of cultural friction and CEO change on the performance of acquired companies. Diego Campagnolo, Giampiero Vincenti, Journal of International Management, 28, 4, 100942.
Do capital buffers matter? Evidence from the stocks and flows of nonperforming loans. Antonella Francesca Cicchiello, Matteo Cotugno, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Giuseppe Torluccio, International Review of Financial Analysis, 84, 102369.
Environmental innovation and cooperation: A configurational approach. Valentina De Marchi, Xavier Molina-Morales, Luis Martínez-Cháfer. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182, 121835.
Industry 4.0 technologies and circular economy: The mediating role of supply chain integration. Eleonora Di Maria, Valentina De Marchi, Ambra Galeazzo, Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(2), 619–632.
Information security and value creation: The performance implications of ISO/IEC 27001. Matteo Podrecca, Giovanna Culot, Guido Nassimbeni, Marco Sartor. Computers in Industry. Volume 142, 103744, ISSN 0166-3615.
Multimarket Banks, Local Economic Shocks, and Lending Behavior: When the Effect is on Cost but not on the Amount of Deposit Fundings. Davide Castellani, Elisa Giaretta, Journal of Financial Services Research, 66, 193–225 (2024).
Multinational subsidiaries and green innovation. Valentina De Marchi, Giulio Cainelli, Roberto Grandinetti. International Business Review. 31, 6, 102027.
Nonlinearities and expenditure multipliers in the Eurozone. Andrea Boitani, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Chiara Punzo. Industrial and Corporate Change, 31, 2, 552–575.
Paths toward advanced service-oriented business models: A configurational analysis of small- and medium-sized incumbent manufacturers. Marco Paiola, Tatiana Khvatova, Francesco Schiavone, Fauzia Jabeen, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182, 121774.
Pledging one’s trustworthiness through gifts: An experiment. Giuseppe Danese, Luigi Mittone, Judgment and Decision Making, 17(5):1123-1145.
Public Governance and Technological Capabilities in the Kenyan Leather Industry. Giovanni Pasquali, Valentina De Marchi. African Affairs, 121, 484, 419–441.
Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability Toward a Systems Perspective. Simone Carmine, Valentina De Marchi, Journal of Business Ethics 184, 139–158.
Stay alert, save businesses. Planning for adversity among immigrant entrepreneurs. Diego Campagnolo, Catherine Laffineur, Simona Leonelli, Alona Martiarena, Tietz, Maria Wishart. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28(7), 1773-1799.
The effect of cultural and creative production on human capital: Evidence from European regions. Filippo Berti Mecocci, Amir Maghssudipour, Marco Bellandi, Papers in Regional Science, 101(6), 1263–1287.
The Future of Global Supply Chains in a Post-COVID-19 World. Rajat Panwar, Jonatan Pinkse, Valentina De Marchi, California Management Review, 64(2), 5-23.
The process of business model innovation driven by IoT: Exploring the case of incumbent SMEs. Marco Paiola, Lara Agostini, Roberto Grandinetti, Anna Nosella. Industrial Marketing Management, 103, 30-46.
The role of religiosity in product and technology acceptance: Evidence from COVID-19 vaccines. Ludovico Bullini Orlandi, Valentina Febo, Salvatore Perdichizzi. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185, 122032.
Accounting research boundaries, multiple centers and academic empathy. Giovanna Michelon. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 76, 102204.
Cast apart by the elites: how status influences assortative matching in industrial clusters. Amir Maghssudipour, Pierre Alexandre Balland, Elisa Giuliani, Industry and Innovation, 28(7), 836–859.
Digital servitization and sustainability through networking: Some evidences from IoT-based business models. Marco Paiola, Francesco Schiavone, Roberto Grandinetti, Junsong Chen, Journal of Business Research, 132, 507-516.
Digital servitization: Crossing the perspectives of digitization and servitization. Heiko Gebauer, Marco Paiola, Nicola Saccani, Mario Rapaccini. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 382-388.
Prior knowledge, industry 4.0 and digital servitization. An inductive framework. Marco Paiola, Francesco Schiavone, Tatiana Khvatova, Roberto Grandinetti. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 171, 120963.
Real regulatory capital management and bank payouts: Evidence from available-for-sale securities. Michele Fabrizi, Elisabetta Ipino, Michel Magnan, Antonio Parbonetti, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 48, 1918–1939.
The management of sustainable development: A longitudinal analysis of the effects of environmental performance on economic performance. Thomas Bassetti, Silvia Blasi, Silvia Rita Sedita, Business Strategy and the Environment, 30: 21–37.
University-SME collaboration and innovation performance: the role of informal relationships and absorptive capacity. Roberta Apa, Valentina De Marchi, Roberto Grandinetti al. Journal of Technology Transfer, 46, 961–988.
When LIBOR becomes LIEBOR: Reputational penalties and bank contagion. Michele Fabrizi, Xing Huan, Antonio Parbonetti, Financial Review, 56: 157–178.
Corporate tax reforms and tax-motivated profit shifting: evidence from the EU. Anna Alexander, Antonio De Vito, Martin Jacob, Accounting and Business Research, 50(4), 309–341.
Does the EU Directive on non-financial information influence the value relevance of ESG disclosure? Italian evidence. Michela Cordazzo, Laura Bini, Giuseppe Marzo. Business Strategy and the Environment. Volume 29, Issue 8.
Nurturing International Business research through Global Value Chains literature: A review and discussion of future research opportunities. Valentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria, Ruggero Golini, Alessandra Perri, International Business Review, 29, 5, 101708.
Can Routines be Inherited? A Microfoundational Approach to Spinoffs. Andrea Furlan, Roberto Grandinetti, R. (2020) European Management Review, 17: 885–899.
Spinoffs or startups? The effects of spatial agglomeration. Andrea Furlan, Guido Cainelli, Industrial and Corporate Change, 29, 6, 1451–1470,
Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of developmental HR practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age–employability relationship. Silvia Dello Russo, Emma Parry, Janine Bosak, Maike Andresen, Eleni Apospori, Martina Gianecchini et al, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(9), 1180–1206.
The role of multiple ties in knowledge networks: Complementarity in the Montefalco wine cluster. Amir Maghssudipour, Luciana Lazzeretti, Francesco Capone. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 667-678.
Internet of things technologies, digital servitization and business model innovation in BtoB manufacturing firms. Marco Paiola, Heiko Gebauer. Industrial Marketing Management, 89, 245-264.
Navigating disruptive crises through service-led growth: The impact of COVID-19 on Italian manufacturing firms. Mario Rapaccini, Nicola Saccani, Christian Kowalkowski, Marco Paiola, Federico Adrodegari. Industrial Marketing Management, 88, 225-237.
Micro-processes of justification and critique in a water sustainability controversy: examining the establishment of moral legitimacy through accounting. Emilio Passetti, Leonardo Rinaldi. The British Accounting Review, 52, 3, 100907.
Multiple control mechanisms for employee health and safety integration: effects and complementarity. Emilio Passetti, Massimo Battaglia, Francesco Testa, Inaki Heras-Saizarbitoria, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 33(7), 1595-1626.
The diffusion of a policy innovation in the energy sector: evidence from the collective switching case in Europe. Silvia Blasi, Silvia-Rita Sedita, Industry and Innovation, 27(6), 680–704.
The invisible college of cluster research: a bibliometric core-periphery analysis of the literature. Silvia Rita Sedita, Annalisa Caloffi, Luciana Lazzeretti, Industry and Innovation, 27(5), 562–584.
Family Business Leaders’ Metaphors and Firm Performance: Exploring the “Roots” and “Shoots” of Symbolic Meanings. Alessandra Tognazzo, Donald Neubaum, Family Business Review, 33(2), 130-151.
Top Publications are publications in journals ranked 4+ and 4 according to the CABS-AJG ranking, or in journals ranked A** and A* according to the ECO-dSEA ranking. Other Selected Publications are publications in journals ranked 3 according to the CABS-AJG ranking.
For the CABS-AJG list see here. For the ECO-dSEA list, see here.