Conferences and Workshops

The department hosts several workshops and conferences across different research fields.

These events serve different objectives: while some events are purely academic, others aim at transferring research expertise to the society, firms, and policy makers.

Below you can find a list of future and recent past events.

Future events

Inflation: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Implication
23 September 2024, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

Workshop in Sustainable Finance
"Sustainable finance, the way forward: opportunities and challenges for measurement, valuation, policies and markets"
25 October 2024, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

Find out more here

Past events


Accounting Summer Camp 2024 - VII Edition
26-28 June 2024, Augustinian Abbey of Neustift-Novacella, Vahrn (Brixen)

Find out more here

BoMoPaV Economics Meeting
30 May 2024, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

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1st Padova IO Workshop
29 May 2024, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

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Modelling Fiscal Policy Workshop
23 May 2024, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

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Padova Macro Talks 2024
16-17 May 2024, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

Find out more here

VII International Conference on Cluster Research: "Rethinking Clusters, Ecosystem and Places in Sustainability Transitions"
8-10 May 2024, Centro Universitario Padovano & Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", Padua

Find out more here

Nobel Lecture - Prof. Alvin E. Roth
8 May 2024, Scuola Galileiana, via Venezia 20, Padua

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PhD Opening Lecture by Mario Daniele Amore
19 April 2024, Sala Grande at Centro Universitario Padovano, via Zabarella 82, Padua

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"Skills 2 Capabilities" Conference
11-12 April 2024, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice

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Osservatorio Nazionale sulle Reti d’Impresa Presentazione del Rapporto 2023
20 March 2024, Archivio Antico, Palazzo del Bo, via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova

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1-2 February 2024, Archivio Antico & Aula Nievo (Palazzo Bo), Via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova

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"The Geography of the Twin Transition (GEOTWIN)" - PRIN2022 Kick-off Workshop
18 January 2024, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

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"3rd Padua Meeting on Economic Design"
1-2 December 2023, Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno", University of Padua

Find out more here

"3rd TRACY Workshop - Achieving Carbon Neutrality: Sustainable Business Models, Social Entrepreneurship, and B Corps"
27 November 2023, Archivio Antico (Palazzo Bo), Via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova

Find out more here

"SPOKE 6 kickoff meeting"
20-21 Novembre 2023, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno", Università Di Padova

Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui

"1st Annual Meeting of the Padua Center for Network Medicine"
29 September 2023, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia G. Galilei, Padova

"Uncertainty, Economic Activity, and Forecasting in a Changing Environment" Conference"
21- 22 September 2023, Sala Seminari, via del Santo 33, Padova

Find out more here

"Segnavie, Lo Stato e Noi, Per una cittadinanza attiva" ciclo di incontri

7 marzo 2023, ore 16.00, Aula Magna di Palazzo del Bo, Padova
"Stato-Mercato e il ruolo di CDP"
Giovanni Gorno Tempini, Presidente Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Introduce e modera Edoardo Grillo (dSEA Università di Padova)

13 aprile 2023, ore 17.30, Aula Magna di Palazzo del Bo, Padov
"I venti mesi che hanno cambiato l’Italia"
Renato Brunetta, Politico ed economista
Introduce e modera Martina Gianecchini (dSEA Università di Padova)

10 maggio 2023, ore 17.00, Aula Magna di Palazzo del Bo, Padova
"Il mondo sottosopra (e il ruolo dell’Europa)"
Romano Prodi, Politico ed economista
Introduce e modera Roberto Antonietti (dSEA Università di Padova)

19 ottobre 2023, ore 17.00, Aula Nievo di Palazzo del Bo, Padova
"La sfida del debito pubblico"
Daniele Franco
Introduce e modera Alessia Russo (dSEA Università di Padova)

8 novembre 2023, ore 17.00, Aula Magna di Palazzo del Bo, Padova
"Revisone della spesa:passato, presente e futuro"
Carlo Cottarelli
Introduce e modera Giacomo Boesso (dSEA Università di Padova)

24 gennaio 2024, ore 17.00, Aula Nievo di Palazzo del Bo, Padova
"Centralismo o autonomia?"
Fanco Bassanini
Introduce e modera Luciano Greco (dSEA Università di Padova)

Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui

Accounting Summer Camp 2023 (VI ed.)
28, 29, 30 June 2023, Ca' Borin, via del Santo 28 & Archivio Antico, via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova

Find out more here

Presentazione del 3° Report dell'Osservatorio Italiano sulla Povertà Energetica (OIPE)
23 June 2023, Sala Seminari, via del Santo 33, Padova

Find out more here

Oligo Workshop 2023
8, 9, 10 June 2023, Sala Seminari, via del Santo 33 & Ca' Borin, via del Santo 22 & Aula Nievo, via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova - in person

Find out more here

Citizen Science - Impact on Societies | SOCIO-BEE
29 May 2023, Sala Paladin, Department of Management and Economics (dSEA), Via U. Bassi 1, Padova

Workshop "Padova Macro Talks 2023"
18 - 19 May 2023, Sala Seminari, via del Santo 33, Padova - blended

Find out more here

Dottorato Honoris causa in Economia e Management - prof. Orazio Attanasio
"Early Childhood Development, Human Capital, and Poverty: Theory, measurement and evaluation"
16 maggio 2023, ore 17.00, Aula Magna, Palazzo del Bo, via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova - in presenza e in streaming su Youtube

WP2: Building Tools – Establishing a pool of cases for study and simulations
8-11 May 2023, FISSPA Padova, Bressanone and Bolzano

Workshop "Human Capital, Labor Markets and Public Policies"
20 - 21 aprile 2023, Sala A Centro Congressi dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli 

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"Conflicts and Third Party interventions" workshop
30 - 31 March 2023, Sala Seminari, via del Santo 33, Padova

Scarica il programma

"Beni confiscati e finanza etica: come sostenere il riutilizzo sociale dei beni"
14 marzo 2023, ore 17.30, Aula A, via Bassi 2, Padova

Workshop "Global Value Chain studies: taking stock, looking ahead"
13 marzo 2023, Aula Magna di Palazzo del Bo, Padova

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Gruppo di Studio di Sidrea - workshop "FINANCIAL REPORTING E MERCATI DEI CAPITALI"
26 Gennaio 2023, via Bassi 1, Padova

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Data Center Sustainability - Best practices and future scenarios
16 December 2022, "Sala Seminari", via del Santo 33, Padova - in person

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13 December 2022, Padova - online

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1st Padova workshop on Environmental and Resource Economics
25 November 2022, "Sala Seminari", via del Santo 33, Padova - in person

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Workshop on The Political Economy of Municipal Fiscal Policy
18-19 November 2022, Bozen - in person

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#OttobreEduFin2022 : Pane e Stereotipi
25 October 2022, Padova

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City Vision - Stati generali delle città intelligenti
25 October 2022, Centro Culturale San Gaetano, Padova - in person

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Annual Public Lecture - Christian Dustmann
20 October 2022, Padova - in person

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16th edition Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2022
22-24 September 2022, Padova - in-person

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Cambiamento climatico: contributi delle scienze economiche e aziendali
23 Settembre 2022, Padova - in presenza

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Summer School MIRIAD
26-28 August, 15-17 September 2022, in-person - Dolomiti

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EALE Conference 2022
8-10 September 2022 in Padova - in-person

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1st Padova Lausanne PhD Workshop in Economics
6-7 September 2022, "Sala Seminari", via del Santo 33, Padova - in-person

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V° International Conference on Cluster Research – Osaka Metropolitan University – Japan
"Rethinking clusters"
5-7 September 2022, blended - Osaka, JP

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Accounting Summer Camp (V edition)
13-15 July 2022, blended - Barcelona, ES

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17th European Meeting on Game Theory
11-13 July 2022, online event

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Berkeley-Padova-Paris Seventh Organizational Economics Workshop
16-18 June 2022, in-person at the Barco Teatro, Via Orto Botanico 12, Padova

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International Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET)
“Markets, productivity, and happiness in a historical perspective”
9-11 June 2022, in-person at the Complesso Beato Pellegrino - University of Padova, Via Beato Pellegrino, 32

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12th Conference on Economic Design
9-11 June 2022, in-person at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova

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Summer School "Ethical Resource Allocations"
8 June 2022, in-person at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova

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Workshop "Globalisation and Economic Policy"
30-31 May 2022, in-person at the Barco Teatro, Via Orto Botanico 12, Padova

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Workshop "Padova Macro Talks 2022"
26-27 May 2022, blended Zoom - Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova

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Round Table "Sanità e territorio: opportunità e sfide del PNRR"
26 May 2022, in-person at the Sala Convegni, Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, Piazza Duomo, 15, Padova

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Workshop "La gestione delle risorse umane nel New Normal"
20 May 2022, in-person at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova

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Workshop "Environmental and social upgrading in global value chains"
16-17 May 2022, blended Zoom - Sala del Guariento, Accademia Galileiana, Via Accademia, 7, Padova

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PhD Special Lecture Kjetil Storesletten "How Should Tax Progressivity Respond to Rising Income Inequality?"
13 May 2022, blended Zoom - Sala Sartori, Liviano, Piazza Capitaniato, 7, Padova

Watch the video here

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Guerra in Ucraina: effetti delle sanzioni economiche e finanziarie
3 March 2022, Online

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La presenza delle organizzazioni criminali di tipo mafioso nel centro-nord Italia: Il caso del Veneto 
25 February 2022, Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo - Zoom Streaming

Watch the video here

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Achieving Carbon Neutrality: Sustainable Business Models, Social Entrepreneurship and B Corps
20 December 2021, Online
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“Sostenibilità e competitività nella catena del valore del comparto moda / Sustainability And Competitiveness In The Fashion Global Value Chain”
16 December 2021, online
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Smart Farming - Digital transformation: results and opportunities
2 December 2021, Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo
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Inaugural Lecture of the Ph.D. program in Economics and Management - Department of Economics and Management “M. Fanno” by Hélène Rey
16 November 2021, Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo
Watch the video here
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Financial Reporting e Mercati dei Capitali
12 November 2021, University of Bologna

Cerimonia di assegnazione dell'Impact Award - Premio per la migliore valutazione d'impatto
5 November 2021, Comune di Firenze
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IFI - WP2 – Building Tools – Establishing a pool of cases for study and simulations
Meeting #2: Sustainability at UNIPD and within its community
19-21 October 2021, Sala Seminari, via del Santo, 33
More info here

Rethinking Clusters: Sustainable and Technological Transitions in a Network Society 
22-23 September 2021, virtually hosted by the University of Florence
More info here

EALE, 33rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists
16-18 September 2021 online 
More info here

ASSIOA Summer School 2021-Advanced topics in management and organization theory
6-9 September 2021
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Accounting Summer Camp 2021 
6-9 July 2021 on Zoom
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AISRe Summer School 2021 "The sources of regional productivity: agglomeration, institutions and technology"
6-9 July 2021
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PhD Summer School in Applied Microeconomics 
6-9 July 2021 (virtual event) 
Keynote speaker: Prof. Sir Christopher Pissarides, Nobel Prize in Economics 2010.
More info here

Padova Macro Talks 
27-28 May 2021 
More info here

10th General AMaMeF Conference 
22-23-24-25 June 2021
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II Padova Applied Economics Workshop
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La presenza di organizzazioni criminali nell'attività economica
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E-commerce: strategie e modelli di successo
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Digitalizzazione e PMI: strategie di successo per superare la crisi
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Il lavoro che ci (a)spetta
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ASSET 2020 (Association of Southern European Economic Theorists)
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Ricapitalizzare le PMI: un ingrediente essenziale del Recovery plan italiano
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Rethinking clusters: place-based initiatives for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
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Il valore del volontariato
From 3/12/2020 until 28/01/2021
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Creating Value Through Manufacturing: Exploiting Industry 4.0 in a Circular Economy Framework
More info here

Contrastare il cambiamento climatico? Innovazione, apprendimento e collaborazione nelle politiche per il clima dell’Unione Europea
Convegno conclusivo BIRD165757 – 2017/2018
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Traiettorie del declino economico italiano
Debito, finanza pubblica, produttività e imprese
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Padova Applied Economics Workshop “Economics of Education, Retirement and the Household"
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Rethinking clusters: the local and global scale of sustainability transitions - 2nd International worshop
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L'acqua, bene prezioso. Governance, investimenti, efficienza, ambiente, equità
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3rd Accounting Summer Camp
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1st Padua Workshop on “Economic Design and Institutions”           
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Padova Macro Talks    
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2nd Padua Workshop on “Economic Design and Institutions”          
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Tavola rotonda: Localizzare la globalizzazione: una nuova stagione per le piccole imprese            
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Imprenditorialità e imprese resilienti nella Città Metropolinata di Milano   
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Evento Fornero "Italia: ieri, oggi, domani"     
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Sviluppo economico e contrasto alla criminalità organizzata: ruolo e responsabilità delle istituzioni territoriali
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30 anni dSEA   
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Economia circolare & innovazione: le opportunità del re-impiego di rifiuti industriali
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Workshop on Accounting & Accountability Mechanism       


Esiste ancora l'azienda?
L'Economia aziendale tra finanza, mercati e istituzioni
Seminario Scientifico in Onore del Professor Francesco Favotto
More info here

Experimental governance architectures for climate change in the European Union. Ambitions, challenges and pitfalls
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Workshop BOMOPAV 2018
More info here 

International Workshop on Competition, Regulation and Procurement      
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IOT, Industria 4.0, servizi avanzati e modelli di business: il caso Illy - Bluewind
More info here

Accounting Summer Camp 2018 – II Edition  
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19th European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM       
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XXX Conferenza della Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica (SIEP)  
From 19-21/09/2018
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Between theory and policy: the development of modern economics          
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  dSEA Conferences and Workshops for Research Dissemination

This dataset provides a valuable platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and professional development, that fosters growth within our academic community.