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Bachelor’s degree in Economics
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Data Technology and Economics for Public Policy Lab (DaTEPP)
The rapid development of digital technologies and the associated increase in the availability of data are generating new challenges and opportunities for individuals, firms and governments.
The activities of the Lab aim at understanding the functioning of digital markets, reinforcing the knowledge of economic phenomena using state-of-the-art data analytics, and offering tools for public policies.
1. Research
- Reading group on Digital Markets
- Experiments in Economics
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Brown Bag of Industrial Organization
2. Teaching
- Introduction to Python: course held by Dr. Monica Dessole of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova
- Artificial Intelligence – Economic Applications: course held by Dr. Luca Pasa of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova
- What Do Economists Do in Antitrust Consulting?: A series of lectures held by Valerio Serse, Economist at Compass Lexecon, as part of the course on Competition, Market Power, and Antitrust.
3. Data Banks
The laboratory - in direct connection with LEM - offers databases (e.g. AIDA, EIKON and KLD STAT) useful for empirical research in various fields such as applied microeconomics, industrial organization, public economics, regional economics and financial accounting.
4. Research projects
- Cyber resilience: markets, investments and regulation - PRIN PNRR project funded by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR)