Teaching and Internship
Teaching takes place from November 2021 to September 2022, giving the possibility of blended participation (although students presence is strongly recommended). Classes are held on Fridays and Saturdays (8 hours per day).
Teaching Methods:
- frontal lessons;
- firm’s tour
- case study analysis
- team working
- “meet tHe leaders” events with managers and entrepreneurs
- seminars, workshops, and round table discussions
Internship and project work
The internship offers the unique opportunity to put into practice the topics covered during the Master and to better understand the internationalization process of firms. The internship fits into a logic of student-master collaboration which foresees, on the one hand, an active involvement of the student in looking for internship opportunities in companies of interest and, on the other hand, support of the Master's office in facilitating the student-company dialogue and in the administrative management of the internship.
Hence, even if the internship is highly recommended, it is not mandatory for obtaining the diploma. What is mandatory is the elaboration of a final project work. The topic and the degree of detail of the project work will be defined in collaboration with the supervisor (one of the professors of the Master) and the Master office and will also depend on the fact that the student has or has not completed the internship. Generally, this project combines theory frameworks learned during lectures with the internship experience outcome and will be presented at the end of the course in front of the commission in order to obtain the final diploma.
The partners:
- KOM WEB AGENCY (https://www.kom.online/)
- NALESSO FURNITURE (https://nalesso.it/)
- KAN BAN BOX (https://www.kanbanbox.com/it)
- FIORITAL (https://fiorital.com/)
- ITALIAN BEAUTY (https://www.italianbeauty.me/)
- MAPO STUDIO (https://www.mapostudio.com/)
- RINGLOO (https://www.ringloo.com/)
- TACCINI RETAIL CONSULTING S.r.l (https://www.tacciniretailconsulting.com/)
- VIBEMAC (https://www.vibemac.com/)
- REDA (http://www.redaspa.com/)
- BLUEDREAM (https://www.bluedream.it/it/)
- PAOLO PIOVAN GIOIELLI (https://www.paolopiovan.com/)
- L’IPPOGRIFO GROUP (https://www.ippogrifogroup.com/)
- FILO BLU (https://filoblu.com/it/)
- VENICE PROMEX (http://www.vepromex.it/)
- ASSINDUSTRIA VENETOCENTRO (https://www.assindustriavenetocentro.it/)
Fill in the expression of interest by clicking here, to be informed about the master's events, the start date of new editions, the opening of enrolment and application instructions.
For the official pre-enrolment you can click on the following link, that will lead you to the PICA page where you can start the application.
Fill in the expression of interest by clicking here, to be informed about the master's events, the start date of new editions, the opening of enrolment and application instructions.
For the official pre-enrolment you can click on the following link, that will lead you to the PICA page where you can start the application.
Department of Economics and Management 'Marco Fanno'
Torre Portello C3, Via Bassi 1, 35131 Padova
Master Office - 4th floor
Tel: +39 049 8276347
E-mail: mibs.economia@unipd.it