PhD Faculty: curriculum in Economics

Academic Board 

Roberto AntoniettiRoberto Antonietti  

Available to supervise PhD students on the following issues: (i) the consequences of automation, artificial intelligence, robotization for regional employment, diversification and development; (ii) patterns of diffusion and impacts of Coronavirus on European regions.    



Marco BertoniMarco Bertoni  

Happy to supervise PhD students working on empirical projects on the evaluation of education, health and labor market policies, as well as the intersection of these (i.e. the effects of pension reforms on health, the effects of health policies on labour market participation, returns to education in the labor market).


Roberto BonfattiRoberto Bonfatti  

Available to supervise research on international trade and political economy. I have a strong interest in economic history and would thus especially welcome research on these topics from an historical perspective.   




Giorgio BrunelloGiorgio Brunello

Interested in supervising doctoral students who wish to work in the area of applied labour economics. 





Giovanni CaggianoGiovanni Caggiano 

My research interests are in the area of empirical macroeconomics. I am interested in supervising students on topics like: measuring uncertainty and quantifying its economic effects; the impact of fiscal and monetary policy intervention. (currently on leave)



Giulio CainelliGiulio Cainelli 

Interested in supervising PhD students with an interest in economic geography and economics of innovation




Efrem Castelnuovo

Efrem Castelnuovo 

Happy to supervise PhD students with an interest in applied macroeconomics - primarily, on the identification of macroeconomic shocks (e.g., monetary, fiscal, and uncertainty shocks) and their business cycle effects, and the simulation of counterfactual policy scenarios with VAR and DSGE frameworks.  


Martina CelidoniMartina Celidoni

Available to supervise PhD students with an interest in applied economics, especially empirical analysis on economics of aging, retirement decisions, health economics, poverty and inequality.  



Chiara Dal BiancoChiara Dal Bianco

Interested in supervising PhD students on empirical projects in the field of health economics, labour economics and economics of ageing.



Lorenzo ForniLorenzo Forni  

Interested in supervising PhD students in policy issues related to climate change, as the role of carbon taxes and incentives for green investments; in general macro issues, as developments in the preference for liquidity, the role of central bank balance sheets and their link to fiscal policy and more generally topics related to macro stability/instability; in political economy topics, as the role of fiscal rules.



Roberto GanauRoberto Ganau

Available to supervise PhD students interested in regional economics and the economics of institutions, in particular with a focus on the historical and long-run determinants of current economic and institutional development.




Luciano GrecoLuciano Greco  

Available to supervise PhD students with an interest in the following fields related to public economics: taxation and social insurance; public-private partnerships to implement public policies (e.g., infrastructure, R&D, social assistance); fiscal policy and public debt management; regulation and market design in public utilities; fiscal federalism.


Edoardo GrilloEdoardo Grillo

Interested in supervising PhD students in political economy. 



Elisabetta LodigianiElisabetta Lodigiani 

Interested in supervising doctoral students in any area of labour economics and development economics, with a focus on the economics of migration. 



Fabio ManentiFabio Manenti  

Interested in supervising doctoral students in any area of industrial organization, and particularly in the economics of information technology (digital markets, economics of innovation and intellectual property, antitrust in ICT). 




Antonio NicolòAntonio Nicolò 

I am happy to supervise students with an interest in political economy, matching theory and its applications, social choice, mechanism design, and experimental economics. 




Luca NunziataLuca Nunziata 

Interested in supervising doctoral students in any area of labour economics and applied econometrics. Typical research topics are quantitative analysis of institutions, immigration, entrepreneurship, unemployment, employment protection, health, economic history.   


Enrico RettoreEnrico Rettore  

I mostly work on the econometrics of program evaluation. I would be happy to supervise projects involving the use of those econometric methods.  




Lorenzo RoccoLorenzo Rocco  

Available to supervise PhD students with an interest in applied microeconomics. Preferred  research topics are in the area of labour economics and health economics.  



Alessia RussoAlessia Russo

Available to supervise PhD students in the area of political economy of fiscal policies. I am interested in exploring the political economy aspects of sovereign debt and analyzing intergenerational sustainability issues related to the optimal design of fiscal rules, debt maturity structure, and the preservation of natural resources.



Riccardo Domenico SaulleRiccardo Domenico Saulle

Available to supervise PhD students with an interest in game theory, mechanism design and oligopoly theory.




Paola ValbonesiPaola Valbonesi

I'm interested in supervising students in the area of industrial organization/public economics, primarily where government intervention plays a role. My recent research has addressed the design of regulated sectors, of support to vulnerable consumers in energy markets, of procurement contracts and auction formats therein adopted; of state aids to business; of support in the form of voucher and prize to foster innovation.  


Guglielmo WeberGuglielmo Weber 

Available to supervise PhD students interested in the economics of ageing, in the analysis of consumption and saving decisions, or in household investment and portfolio decisions.