Master in Business and Management (MBM) - Industry specific fragrance and cosmetic sector
The Master in Business and Management (MBM) is delivered by the Department of Economics and Management and the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences of the University of Padova, in partnership with the European Fragrance and Cosmetics Master (EFCM). It is a course designed for students who do not have a previous background in business and economics. Therefore it is ideal for students with a science degree such as chemistry, biology, pharmacy, engineering, statistics, agriculture, etc. Other degree courses may also be taken into consideration, so if you hold a degree in any area outside the business and economics field do get in touch with us and we will be able to advise you on whether our MBM is an appropriate course for you. The MBM has some subject specific modules, Industry Specific Courses (ISC), in the Fragrance and Cosmetics sector. Please check the Course Structure Details so you can understand what the specialisation modules are. The MBM is fully taught in English. If you are not sure whether you have the necessary language competence please get in touch with us by email or telephone and we will discuss this. You can contact us in Italian as well as in English.
Aims and Objectives
Our main aim is to train professionals with a first degree in a non business area in order to be able to learn and apply concepts, contents and the language related to the management field. The master provides on the one hand a solid knowledge in different aspects of the management area (accounting and finance, organisations, marketing, production, strategy, international management, business plan) and on the other hand a specific view of one industry sector (Fragrance & Cosmetics Management).
Our specific objectives are:
- To provide a good solid base in business and management for students with a science background or any other background outside the business area.
- To prepare students for a career in the modern business world.
- To get students in touch with the reality of the industry by combining theory with practice.
- To provide the student with an international learning environment.
Job profile
So far our graduates have been involved in the following areas of work after completing the MBM course: product safety, project management, marketing management, product development management, creative fragrance evaluation and management, science marketing, sales management, technical management, junior entrepreneur, etc. This master would interest specially those companies looking for professional profiles highly competent both at technical and management levels.
For more information please visit the website.
Department of Economics and Management 'Marco Fanno'
Torre Portello C3, Via Bassi 1, 35131 Padova
Master Office - 4th floor
Office hours-until further notice available only via email: Monday- Friday 09.00 - 14.00
Tel: +39 049 8271228-9
E-mail: master.economia@unipd.it