Bachelor’s Degree in Economics ("Laurea Triennale")

The three-year Bachelor’s Degree in Economics (TrEC) is designed to offer our students the opportunity to grow their knowledge of economic phenomena and of the functioning of markets, companies and public institutions, providing a solid grounding in the broad scope of economics and management.

The program aims at providing theoretical and applied tools to study the competitiveness of economic systems, the working of markets, the financial intermediation processes, and the legal issues of the economic management. 

Information concerning the students who enrolled in A.Y. 2024/25: click here


From Bachelor's Degree to Master's Degree

Our Bachelor’s Degree in Economics gives access to all the Master's Degrees offered by the Department of Economics and Management:
- Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting (offered in English)
- Applied Economics (offered in English)
- Management for Sustainable Firms (offered in English)

Our Bachelor’s Degree in Economics also allows graduates to enrol in other graduate programmes in Italy or abroad. 

More information here (Italian website) 

Department of Economics and Management
Orientation Office 
Via Ugo Bassi 1 - 35131 Padova
Tel. 049-8271230