Evolutionary trajectories and resilience in clusters
Dyba, W., Stryjakiewicz, T., De Marchi, V. (2019), Knowledge sourcing and cluster life cycle–a comparative study of furniture clusters in Italy and Poland, European Planning Studies.
Lazzeretti, L., Capone, F., Caloffi, A., Sedita, S.R. (2019), Rethinking clusters. Towards a new research agenda for cluster research, European Planning Studies, Volume 27(10), pp. 1879-1903.
Belussi, F. (2018), New perspectives on the evolution of clusters, European Planning Studies, Volume 26(9), pp. 1796-1814.
Belussi, F., Caloffi, A. (2018), The role of leading firms in explaining evolutionary paths of growth: Italian and Turkish clusters on the move, in Hervas J. and Belussi F. (eds) Agglomeration and firm performance, Cham, Springer, pp. 155-188.
De Marchi V., Di Maria E., and Gereffi G. (2018). Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation. Routledge.
Belussi, F., Caloffi, A., Contin, M., Sedita, S. R. (2017). Le imprese del distretto della riviera del Brenta tra global brand e multinazionali. Economia e Società Regionale, 35 (2), 44-54.
De Marchi V., Gereffi G. Grandinetti R. (2017) Distretti che evolvono nelle catene globali del valore: lezioni di resilienza dal Veneto, Economia e Società Regionale, 35(2).
Sedita S.R., De Noni I., Pilotti L. (2017) Out of the crisis: an empirical investigation of place-specific determinants of economic resilience. European Planning Studies, 25(2), 155-180.
Belussi, F., & Hervas-Oliver, J. L. (Eds.). (2016). Unfolding cluster evolution, Routledge.
De Marchi V., Grandinetti R. (2016) Industrial districts evolving in glocal value chains: evidence from the Italian wine industry. Piccola Impresa/Small Business, 1.
De Marchi V., Grandinetti R. (2016) Lo Sportsystem di Montebelluna: il distretto dalle sette vite, Economia e Società Regionale, 34(1).
De Marchi, V., Lee J., Gereffi G. (2014). Globalization, Recession and the Internationalization of Industrial Districts: Experiences from the Italian Gold Jewellery Industry. European Planning Studies 22(4): 866–884.
De Marchi, V. Grandinetti R. (2014). Industrial Districts and the Collapse of the Marshallian Model: Looking at the Italian Experience. Competition & Change 18(1): 70–87.
Belussi F., Caldari K. (2011) The Lancashire industrial district: its rise, prosperity and decline in the analysis of British economists, in T.Raffaelli, T.Nishizawa, and S.Cook (eds), Marshall, Marshallians and Industrial Economics, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge: pp. 135-162.
Belussi F. Sedita S.R. (2010), The evolution of the district model: ‘reverse relocation’ and the case of the leather-tanning district of Arzignano, European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy (ERIEP), n. 1, on line since 28 april 2010.
Belussi F., Sedita S.R. (2009) Life cycle vs. multiple path dependency in industrial districts. European Planning Studies, vol. 17 (4), pp. 505-528.
Belussi F, Sedita S.R. (2008). L’evoluzione del modello distrettuale: la ‘delocalizzazione inversa’ e il caso del distretto della concia di Arzignano. Economia e Politica Industriale, vol. 2, pp.51-72.
Entrepreneurship, knowledge management and networks
Grandinetti, R. (2019), Rereading industrial districts through the lens of entrepreneurship, European Planning Studies, Volume 2(10), pp. 1959-1977.
Apa R., Mansour D., Sedita S.R. (2018) Creative Entrepreneurship and FDI in Egypt: an empirical illustration from the ICT sector, in Lazzeretti L., Vecco M. (eds) Creative industries and entrepreneurship: paradigms in transition in a global perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 302-322.
Bettiol M., Burlina C., Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E. (2018), Does it pay to be international? Evidence from industrial district firms, in Castellani D., Narula R., Nguyen Q., Surdu I., & Walker J. (Eds). Contemporary Issues in International Business: Institutions, Strategy and Performance. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.
Belussi F., Caloffi A., Sedita S.R. (2018) MNEs and clusters: the creation of place-anchored value chains. In De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Gereffi G. (eds.) Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking actors and territories through manufacturing and innovation, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 71-93.
Belussi, F., Caloffi, A. (2018), The role of leading firms in explaining evolutionary paths of growth: Italian and Turkish clusters on the move, in Hervas J. and Belussi F. (eds) Agglomeration and firm performance, Cham, Springer, pp. 155-188.
Belussi, F., Hervas-Oliver, J.-L. (2018), Cluster advantage and firm performance: A concluding remark, in Hervas J. and Belussi F. (eds) Agglomeration and firm performance, Cham, Springer, pp. 309-324.
Belussi, F., Trippl, M. (2018) Industrial districts/clusters and smart specialisation policies, in Hervas J. and Belussi F. (eds) Agglomeration and firm performance, Cham, Springer, pp. 283-308.
Mansour D., Sedita S.R., Apa R. (2018) Dynamics of Entrepreneurship in Egypt: Assessing the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Can Entrepreneurship Contribute to the Economic Development in Egypt? In Faghih N., Zali M.R. (eds.) Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) - Dynamics in Trends, Policy and Business Environment. Cham, Springer, pp. 519-542.
Hervas-Oliver, J.-L., Belussi, F. (2018), Cluster advantage and firm performance: A shift into the future!, in Hervas J. and Belussi F. (eds) Agglomeration and firm performance, Cham, Springer, pp.1-7.
Bettiol M., Burlina C., Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E. (2017), From delocalization to backshoring? Evidence from Italian industrial districts, Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, Special Issue, Vol. 39, pp. 137-154.
Furlan, A. (2016). Who lives longer? Startups vs spinoffs founded as proprietorships. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(3), 416-435.
Furlan, A., Grandinetti, R. (2016). Spinoffs and their endowments: beyond knowledge inheritance theory. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 17(3), 570-589.
Sedita S.R., Belussi F., Grandinetti R. (2016) How does a networked business incubator fuel cluster emergence? A theoretical discussion and an empirical illustration, in Boari C., Elfring T., Molina-Morales F. Xavier. Entrepreneurship and cluster dynamics, New York, Routledge, pp. 104-128.
De Marchi, V., Voltani R. (2014) Aziende distrettuali e non distrettuali a confronto: le performance nel settore orafo italiano, Economia e Società Regionale, 32(1): 163-186.
Grandinetti, R. (2014). Entrepreneurship, Network and Community in Marshallian Industrial Districts. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 10 (4): 449–464.
Belussi F., Sedita S.R. (2012), Industrial districts as open learning systems: combining emergent and deliberate knowledge structures. Regional Studies, 46:2, 165-184.
Belussi F., Sedita S.R., Aage T., Porcellato D. (2011),Inward flows of information and knowledge in low-tech industrial districts: Contrasting the ‘few-firms gatekeeper’ and ‘direct-peer’ models, in Robertson P.L and Jacobson D. (eds.) Knowledge Transfer and Technology Diffusion, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 64-89.
Belussi F, Sedita S.R. (2008). The symbiotic division of labour between heterogeneous districts in the Dutch and Italian horticultural industry. Urban Studies, vol. 45 (13) pp. 2715-2734.
Innovation, manufacturing capabilities and local competitiveness
Belussi F., Sedita S.R. (2019) Innovation districts. In Orum A. M. (ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bettiol, M., Chiarvesio, M., Di Maria, E., Gottardello, D. (2019), Local or global? Does internationalization drive innovation in clusters?, European Planning Studies, Volume 27(10), pp. 1995-2014.
De Marchi V., Di Maria E., and Gereffi G. (2018). Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation. Routledge.
Bettiol M., Burlina C., Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E. (2017), Industrial District Firms Do Not Smile: Structuring The Value Chain Between Local And Global, in Tihanyi, L., Devinney, T. M., & Pedersen, T. (Eds). Breaking Up the Global Value Chain. Opportunities and Consequences. Advances in International Management, Vol. 30, pp. 269-291, Emerald Group Pub.
Cainelli G., Di Maria E., Ganau R. (2016), Does Agglomeration Affect Exports? Evidence From Italian Local Labour Markets, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie – Journal of Economic and Social Geography, Vol. 108, n. 5, pp. 554-570.
Studying industrial districts in the emerging scenario
Bettiol, M., Chiarvesio, M., Di Maria, E., Gottardello, D. (2019), Local or global? Does internationalization drive innovation in clusters?, European Planning Studies, Volume 27(10), pp. 1995-2014.
Lazzeretti, L., Capone, F., Caloffi, A., Sedita, S.R. (2019), Rethinking clusters. Towards a new research agenda for cluster research, European Planning Studies, Volume 27(10), pp. 1879-1903.
Bettiol M., Burlina C., Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E. (2018), Does it pay to be international? Evidence from industrial district firms, in Castellani D., Narula R., Nguyen Q., Surdu I., & Walker J. (Eds). Contemporary Issues in International Business: Institutions, Strategy and Performance. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.
Caloffi A., Lazzeretti L., Sedita S.R. (2018) The story of cluster as a cross-boundary concept: from local development to management studies, in Hervas J. and Belussi F. (eds) Agglomeration and firm performance, Cham, Springer, pp. 123-137.
De Marchi V., Di Maria E., and Gereffi G. (2018). Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation. Routledge.
Sedita, S.R., Caloffi, A., Lazzeretti, L. (2018), The invisible college of cluster research: a bibliometric core–periphery analysis of the literature, Industry and Innovation
Bettiol M., Burlina C., Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E. (2017), Industrial District Firms Do Not Smile: Structuring The Value Chain Between Local And Global, in Tihanyi, L., Devinney, T. M., & Pedersen, T. (Eds). Breaking Up the Global Value Chain. Opportunities and Consequences. Advances in International Management, Vol. 30, pp. 269-291, Emerald Group Pub.
Bettiol M., Burlina C., Chiarvesio M., Di Maria E. (2017), From delocalization to backshoring? Evidence from Italian industrial districts, Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, Special Issue, Vol. 39, pp. 137-154.
Coletti M., Di Maria E. (2015), The rush for cluster initiatives: cluster organisation and management in Central Europe, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 19, No. 5/6, pp. 327-342.
De Marchi, V., Lee J., Gereffi G. (2014). Globalization, Recession and the Internationalization of Industrial Districts: Experiences from the Italian Gold Jewellery Industry. European Planning Studies 22(4): 866–884.
De Marchi, V., Voltani R. (2014) Aziende distrettuali e non distrettuali a confronto: le performance nel settore orafo italiano, Economia e Società Regionale, 32(1): 163-186.
Grandinetti, R. (2014). Entrepreneurship, Network and Community in Marshallian Industrial Districts. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 10 (4): 449–464.
Lazzeretti, L., Sedita, S. R., Caloffi, A. (2014). Founders and disseminators of cluster research. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(1), 21-43.
Belussi F., Sedita S.R., Aage T., Porcellato D. (2011),Inward flows of information and knowledge in low-tech industrial districts: Contrasting the ‘few-firms gatekeeper’ and ‘direct-peer’ models, in Robertson P.L and Jacobson D. (eds.) Knowledge Transfer and Technology Diffusion, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 64-89.
Belussi F., Caldari K. (2009) At the origin of industrial district: Alfred Marshall and the Cambridge School. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33: pp. 335-355.