The Department of Economics and Management is constantly committed to improving teaching.
For this reason, since 2018, a training programme on the most innovative teaching methodologies has been activated and the activation of a community of practice has been promoted to support continuous improvement.
Thanks to the T4L project promoted by the University of Padova, the professors of the Department have participated in professional development training courses dedicated to the innovation of teaching practices and strategies with the support and integration of the most innovative technologies, contributing to the development of a teaching culture inspired by Active Learning and the construction of a Faculty Learning Community (FLC).
In this process, professors are the main actors and, at the same time, privileged observers of the teaching and learning contexts.
The course consisted of workshops held within the department itself, and an intensive three-day residential activity during which participants had the opportunity to meet with a group of international professors who are experts in teaching in higher education, on the following topics: active learning and interactive methods, faculty learning community, lessons planning, assessment and feedback, teacher/student relationship, use of technologies in teaching, peer observation and micro-teaching.
This course was part of the plan for the development of teaching skills and was addressed to professors at the University of Padova who had decided to experiment with new teaching strategies, such as: involving students by encouraging them to participate actively and consciously in training activities, gradually deprivatizing their own teaching, gradually increasing the number of FLCs by involving other colleagues.
The participants had signed up voluntarily to this course, as they were highly interested and motivated to participate, as well as willing to share their personal teaching experience.
Experts involved: Edward Taylor, Monica Fedeli, Daniela Frison, Jon Wright, Carlo Mariconda
Also in this edition, didactic topics were covered and interactive practices and methods aimed at improving learning and teaching processes were shared. The course participants had the opportunity to discuss with a group of international lecturers who are experts in higher education didactics, active learning and interactive methods, faculty learning community, lessons' planning, assessment and feedback, teacher/student relationship, use of technologies in teaching, peer observation and micro-teaching. The training course on didactic innovation is part of the plan for the development of teaching skills, aimed at teachers at the University of Padua who decide to experiment with new teaching strategies, such as: involving students, encouraging them to participate actively and consciously in training activities, gradually de-privatising their own teaching; gradually increasing the number of FLCs by involving other colleagues.
Experts involved: Monica Fedeli, Edward Taylor, Concetta Tino, Valentina de Marchi, Jon Wrigh
A series of meetings with experts in innovative teaching dedicated to the professors of the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno". The course is part of the wider project of development and innovation of teaching, strongly desired by the dSEA in line with the lines of development promoted by the European Union, the European University Association, MIUR and the University of Padova (Teaching4Learning@Unipd project). The Department has decided to invest in innovative teaching with the support and integration of the most innovative technologies, promoting the development of a teaching culture inspired by Active Learning and the birth of a community of practice among professors, based on the sharing of practices and continuous training inspired by a student-centred and research-based approach.
Experts involved: Linda Nilson, Concetta Tino, Carlo Presotto, Daniela Frison