Master in International Business for Small and Medium Enterprises - MIBS: supporting SME internationalisation and web marketing
Aims and Objectives
The goal of MIBS, Master in international Business for Small and Medium Enterprises, is to train its students to match the needs of SMEs and companies operating on international markets and to support them by boosting their internationalization process.
The Master provides the acquisition of specific knowledge and know-how in different fields of management such as innovation, organization, marketing, digital media marketing, international law, logistics, international commerce, and international accounting. Lastly, the Master MIBS can be a unique experience thanks to its professional on-the-field internships in one of the partner companies.
The course
The first level professional post-graduate Master of the University of Padova is directed to train new professional figures applying the concepts, contents, languages, and methods of management. With the goal of developing specific skills in the context of firms‘ internationalization, students will be able to master the key fundamentals of international management practices thanks to a mix of methodologies and training techniques: lectures, seminars, case studies, company visits, teamwork, discussion and drafting of reports.
The last part of the master program is dedicated to the internship and developing a final Final Project Work. An internship of 3 months or longer is strongly recommended in order to perform what has been learnt in class in one of our partner companies to better understand the process of internationalization.
Students are required to be proactive in order to find a position according to their expectations and set up interviews by themselves. In this process, they will be constantly supported and assisted by the Master office staff (CV optimization, job interview simulations, company contacts, and administrative procedures).
Useful information
The duration of Master MIBS is one year, and lectures will last six months, fully taught in English, and will be held on Fridays and Saturdays, 8 hours per day. The mandatory attendance threshold is set at 70% and there will be the possibility of blended participation (although students presence is strongly recommended).
The Master MIBS also gives the possibility to join single modules according to your preferences (see the “Single Course Units” session for more info).
The cost for participating in the executive master course is 6.000,00 €.
The Master MIBS can be the partner of the "Apprendistato in Alta Formazione" projects with firms.
Fill in the expression of interest by clicking here, to be informed about the master's events, the start date of new editions, the opening of enrolment and application instructions.
For the official pre-enrolment you can click on the following link, that will lead you to the PICA page where you can start the application.
For further information:
Master Office - 4th floor
Tel: +39 049 8276347
E-mail: mibs.economia@unipd.it
Department of Economics and Management 'Marco Fanno'
Torre Portello C3, Via Bassi 1, 35131 Padova
Master Office - 4th floor
Tel: +39 049 8276347
E-mail: mibs.economia@unipd.it