Student Services

We are proud to offer a wide range of student services that complement their academic skills.

These services are designed to improve their study experience and offer them the best possible chances in the labor market. 

  Orientation Service

Need help to choose a Degree programme or to find your study path?

We are open to anyone, especially students and their relatives, who are interested in information concerning the educational offer of the Department of Economics and Management.

Our main service is to give information and help students in decision making process to optimize their potential. 

We also collaborate with the University of Padua in organising orientation activities and events.

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We help students to develop an autonomous and conscientious study program.

We offer tools to improve work organization and help students maximize their output by optimizing the use of time when studying /preparing for exams.

We give the student a chance to discuss his/her problems, dealing with situations of uneasiness or distress that may affect the student’s academic results and, most importantly, his quality of life.

We suggest interventions to improve studying abilities, foster motivation and greater control over study-related anxieties.

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  Career Coaching

We accompany students in the path of self-observation and analysis of their educational and professional history.

- Individual interviews
- #LiveCareer: testimonials from Alumni
- Meetings and events
- Workshops

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  Stage & Placement Office

We create interaction opportunities between labour supply and demand.

We favour curricular and extracurricular internships as well as employment opportunities in public or private enterprises, in national or international firms, supporting the connection between the professional and the academic world. 

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